ButtonMash’s Solid Foundation on Rocky Linux

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today I am still working on my Rocky Linux server. Let’s get started!

Project Selection

One would think it shouldn’t take a month to set up a server, but the vast bulk of that is research. What all do I want the server to do? What services do I need to set up to include it? When I know more than one way to do something, which way do I want to do it? The questions don’t end until work has progressed beyond the point of answering differently.

My goal for today is to get a few things running: I want to mount the GoldenOakLibry NFS server. I want to update-grub so I can properly dual boot with Debian. I want to install BitWarden. These three things are probably the most important end-goal tasks remaining for configuring ButtonMash’s Rocky install.

Package Managers

Before I can really work on my target goals, I need to know some of the basic specifics. Every major branch has its own compatible package managers. Debian has DPKG and Apt (Snap for the Ubuntu sub-family) while Arch has Pacman and AUR. Wrappers and cross-compatibility tools exist as a zoo of possibilities that will not be fully sorted out here, today.

My first impression as I research the Red Hat branch’s solution are the striking parallels to Debian, though it is also experiencing a stir. RPM (Redhat Package Manager) is like DPKG in that it is used for directly interfacing with the repository. YUM (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) was the package manager the likes of Apt I’ve been hearing about associated with the branch. It is now replaced by DNF (DaNdiFied YUM) for installing Package X and everything Package X needs to run (called “resolving dependencies”). Both YUM and DNF are present on my install, though.


I’ve had a chance to look over this web interface that came with Rocky Linux. By default, there doesn’t appear to be much to it after logging in beyond information readouts, an interactive firewall, and most importantly: an in-browser terminal. There appears to be a whole ecosystem to learn about, but it’s beyond me for now. I will want to look deeper into this subject when I move in to disable password authentication over the network.

Note about the terminal: it’s a little quirky from sharing its inputs with the browser. Nano’s save command also tells FireFox to “Open” and copy-paste commands don’t always work the same.

NFS Mount

From experience, I know that NFS is a royal pain to learn how to set up. On top of that, I know of at least two ways to automount network drives: during boot with fstab, and dynamically with systemd. Mounting it with fstab is annoying on my laptop because it halts boot for a minute and a half before giving up if GoldenOak is unreachable. More annoying is that this appears to be the more well documented method between the two. For an always-on server, though, it may not be a concern.

Not helping systemd’s case is/are the additional way/ways I’m discovering to set its automount functionality up. I don’t even know the proper name for the method I’ve used before – just that I didn’t mess with /etc/fstab whereas another systemd method does. It is a great challenge finding a source that compares more than a single mounting method. The good news is that aside from installation, I should be able to disregard what distro the tutorial was intended for.

While researching this section, I rediscovered autofs, and saw mention of still other automount methods. I’m avoiding autofs because because the more I read about it, the move complex it appears. In this instance, it would behoove me to just leave a line in /etc/fstab because I don’t expect to be booting this server outside the context of the GoldenOak NAS, but as this is more or less the centerpiece of my home’s network, I’m going with systemd mount files, as per the blog by Ray Lyon I referenced last February when I first learned about it. I’ll leave a link to his post in my Works Cited[1].

NFS Automount is tricky stuff, but each time I study it, I retain a little more. I can barely remember how to mount a share manually – let alone configure systemd automounts. It took me several days to find a copy of the files I needed, even after looking back at my above mentioned post from February[2]. My best guess is that I got lost in my own filesystem. I’m taking notes and organizing them in my home directory on this new install.


When I installed Rocky Linux, I was all nice and safe by not letting it see any drives it wasn’t installing over, but the host machine still has a job to do on the photo trunk project; I need it to dual boot. I read up on a command called update-grub I could just run once everything was installed and physically reconnected. First of all, update-grub is a script, and second of all, it’s notoriously absent.

A variety of help topics exist on what command to run on RHEL instead of update-grub. From what I can tell, it’s pretty universally present on Debian-based systems and when I checked Manjaro (Arch family) just now, it was there too.

Update-grub itself is pretty simple. It’s three lines long, and serves as an easy-to-remember proxy command to actually update your Grub boot loader. The exact command may differ between computers depending on if they’re using BIOS or a newer, less common equivalent called UEFI. I assume it is generally generated during package installation.

Once I had my bearings, it was fairly easy to update grub on my own. I found my configuration file at /boot/grub2/grub.cfg because I am using BIOS. An effectively empty directory stump existed for the UEFI branch, cluing me in that this operation is one you should understand before using copy-paste into terminal. This StackExchange forum has several individual explanations, including reference to what I take to be a catch-all I am not using. Link[3]

So… I go to verify everything is working, and it’s not. A simple reboot loaded Rocky’s GRUB, but the Debian kernel refused to load over the USB 3 PCI card. So much for that idea. I moved the Debian drive to a motherboard USB port and BIOS found it and loaded Debian’s GRUB, which doesn’t know about Rocky Linux. I tried running update-grub in Debian and… it didn’t work. I wasn’t looking to spend even more time on this part of the project, so after confirming that Rocky’s GRUB could boot Debian, I got into BIOS and told them to prefer the internal Rocky drive over anything on USB.

BitWarden False Alarm

I’m super-excited about putting my self-hosted BitWarden server back up. I’ve already started researching, but the topic still feels like it’s expanding when I need to be getting ready for publishing this already lengthy post full of amazing progress. BitWarden will need to wait until I can better teach myself how to properly take care of it.


The Red Hat branch of Linux is in a notable state of flux. Key fundamentals elements of the family like CentOS and YUM are everywhere in old tutorials, and that is bound to make for a frustrating time trying to learn Red Hat for a while to come – especially if you’re new to Linux. Here, more than anywhere else, learning the history of the branch is vital to teaching yourself how to sysadmin.

Side Project

A while ago, I thought Derpy’s RAM was failing because Kerbal Space Program kept crashing the whole system. I’ve been running the three 4 gigabyte sticks on my Manjaro workstation for a month or two, and they appear fine. In the meantime, my father ordered up a pair of 8gb sticks. This week, I installed them, displacing one of the 4gb sticks. Passive testing will now commence.

Final Question

Have you ever had a project take a discouragingly large amount of research time then suddenly come into focus in a single day?

Works Cited

[1] R. Lyon, “On-Demand NFS and Samba Connections in Linux with Systemd Automount,” Ray Against the Machine, Oct. 7, 2020. (Edited Aug. 8, 2021). [Online]. Available: https://rayagainstthemachine.net/linux%20administration/systemd-automount/. [Accessed Nov. 7, 2021].

[2] Shadow_8472, “Stabilizing Derpy Chips at Last,” Let’s Build Robotics With Shadow8472, Feb. 22, 2021. [Online]. Available:https://letsbuildroboticswithshadow8472.com/index.php/2021/02/22/stabilizing-derpy-chips-at-last/. [Accessed Nov. 7, 2021].

[3] “Equivalent of update-grub for RHEL/Fedora/CentOS systems,”StackExchange, Aug. 26, 2014-Oct. 10, 2021 [Online]. Available:https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/152222/equivalent-of-update-grub-for-rhel-fedora-centos-systems. [Accessed Nov. 7, 2021].

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