A Let’s Player I am Not

Good Morning and Happy Easter/April Fool’s from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I am salvaging an attempted Let’s Play I tried making for Minetest Exile. Let’s get started!

Minetest is an open source block game engine and Exile among the top games on that engine. In this game created by Dokimi and continued by Mantar, you play as an exile banished from a post-postapocalyptic Iron Age civilization to the ruined land of the ancients for crimes you likely didn’t commit. When you lose a character to the wasteland, you will respawn as a fresh exile with a distinct backstory.

Suffice it to say Exile has a difficult learning curve. A .pdf tutorial exists by the original creator, Dokimi, but I found it very outdated two (I think) years ago. I tried making my own tutorial in the same style, but I found it too exhausting to switch between gameplay and organizing my thoughts, so I put the project down and all but forgot about it without publishing anything.

This week, I was inspired to try recording my gameplay with live commentary. I installed OBS from the repository and set it up for recording. It took me a while to get a good mix between my voice and game sounds, but I eventually got something halfway decent.

Gameplay wise, I got a decently lucky start with finding a good food to farm. Thanks to new clothing items since I last played, I wasn’t too bad off despite sub-optimal fiber sources previously being a practical requirement for keeping a critter alive while starting from scratch. I found a spot for a year one farm, but had to make a seepage pit for water to drink, which eventually gave me a stomach bug that crashed my game. I gave up on the Let’s Play and reported the bug. As of writing this on Friday afternoon, the bug has already been addressed. My save was still corrupted though, so I doubt I’ll be committing to a let’s play anytime soon.


Taking cumulative lessons from this project’s two attempts so far, I believe the wisest course of action is to record footage playing a season at a time while taking verbal notes, then grab screenshots from the video and write commentary on the highlights.

Final Question

Have you ever tried making a Let’s Play? How did it go?

Stashing Christmas

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and this week I did not complete my intended project for the week, but I did finish something interesting nonetheless. Let’s get started!

Red or Blue?

God has blessed my family to the point where when we pull out the Christmas decorations in November or so, we ask ourselves, “Do we want a red Christmas or a blue Christmas this year?” We then set up our artificial tree and garlands and adorn them tastefully from our “red” or “blue” bucket.

In fact: God has blessed us such that we could surprise my aunt some years back by getting a skinny artificial tree for our Christmas party. Circumstances dictated this tree as now our main tree this year, and we were able to bless a school run by our church with not just our large tree, but also some smaller ones for a few classrooms.

But Christmas is over. It’s time to put things away.

Let-There-Be-Christmas Boxes

In the likely event we are with the school next Christmas, my mother, Annie_8472, wanted to re-organize our buckets into our usual red/blue/both categories plus a number of classroom kits with our tiny trees and decorations for them. For each of red and blue things, we have a bucket for shatterproof balls, a case for smaller themed ornaments, etc.

Most of my contribution was hauling buckets between the living room and garage. I spotted a few buckets in comparatively poor condition, and arranged for them to end up at the bottom of the bucket stack. Annie clearly marked each bucket she used and had me aim them out when shelving them.


The same sorting system can be used with anything. Fabric –for example– can be sorted by color or material. Rank your items’ most important qualities, and store the most similar stuff together. This way, other people can find things (and put them away when done).

Final Question

Red or blue?

New Year’s 2024! Let’s Talk Public Domain

Good Morning and Happy New Year/Public Domain Day 2024! This is Shadow_8472 and today in the US public domain we welcome original Mickey Mouse along with many other works from 1928. Let’s get started!

The Need for Copyright

Art takes effort to create, but less to copy. We live in a world where the collected works of around 35-40 authors spanning around 1,500 years have been preserved by tens of thousands to millions of scribes, monks, reformers, translators, archaeologists, shepherds, curators, app developers, system admins, and more. The cost of a copy is negligible to the point of free; one could probably squeeze more than a couple million copies onto a 2 Tb external drive sold on Amazon for $10.50. (This figure assumes individually compressed 4.3 Mb files. I did not actually compress a full text Bible as a proof of concept.)

By the same principle, it is similarly trivial to copy and distribute any non-material good. Uncontrolled, it will disincentivize the creation of new works. This is why we have copyright protection so we can enjoy new works.

The Need for Public Domain

Art takes inspiration to create. Somewhere between whatever day you are reading this blog post going back to antiquity is a point where a work’s original creator is long gone and further copyright protection only serves to let the work either fade into irrelevancy or turn into a perpetual income source for the cost of maintaining an archive.

Meanwhile artists wishing to use copyrighted material must either sign a contract with the copyright holder or work in a legal gray zone. To a non-legal expert such as myself, all is fair in this gray zone except directly selling works containing copyrighted content unless the owner bothers stopping it with a cease and desist notice. And if/when it ends up in court, legal experts may explore the possibility it might have been fair use all along.

Some Intellectual Property (IP) holders are chill and consider fan works as unsponsored advertising, while others ruthlessly defend their copyrights to the fullest extent of the law. While the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle estate was bad with Sherlock Holmes’ stories, Disney has been the most ruthless of them all – going so far as to lobby themselves up a total of 40 years of extended protections atop the original 53 entitled to Mickey Mouse. All this was done while ladling stories from the very same public domain they were sabotaging.

Be it from financial troubles, forfeit legal privileges, pressure from social media, or something else, they did not seek another copyright extension, and the public domain finally contains long sought after characters such as Mickey, Minnie, as well as the second of two original storybooks about Whinny the Pooh – releasing Tigger along with it.

Speculation: If Copyright Was Never Extended

The first national copyright law in the US was the Copyright Act of 1790, which came the year after the constitution. It provided up to two 14 year terms of protection assuming the copyright holder was alive to renew within 6 months of an upcoming expiration. Assuming subsequent copyright expanded to cover new technologies beyond maps, charts, or books, aggregated expirations to January 1 in the same way, but never extended the total of this term, what would the next few years look like? Probably too wildly different to explore right now. But suppose they were to snap back instead…

The first thing that comes to my mind is the WINE project. WINE Is Not an Emulator; it’s a compatibility layer that translates Windows programs’ system calls into Linux equivalents on the fly – often for gaming. To skirt copyright, its developers are split into two teams: one team decompiles Windows files and takes notes. The other team uses these notes to re-implement open source files based on these notes without ever having seen the original code.

If copyright lasted 28 years tops, we would be getting Windows 95 into the public domain today. From prior research I might not have posted about, I know DosBox runs early Windows programs just fine until Windows 95 because up until then, it was all a glorified command prompt and backwards compatibility was in its nature. In this scenario, Windows 95 files would be fair game for WINE team 2 to directly use and improve so long as they remove all trademarks. Microsoft would have competition as upset users switch to one of a growing list of forks – both community driven and commercially maintained by 3rd parties. There would be security patches and I’d be surprised if nobody developed a 64 bit version.

In the entertainment industry, people would have a chance to independently retell the original stories they grew up with before old age. Original copyright holders would have to tell a better story if they want the nostalgia money. Meanwhile, fans would have a chance to hire original talent to extend canceled classics. Game devs who originally made works for hire could patch/modernize old code for another generation to enjoy. Comic book fans who have lost loved C-list characters to a disgruntled artist walking off with most of the copyrights could have hope of seeing them restored to the story.

In some ways, this feels a bit like Year of Jubilee stuff God told Israel to observe every 50 years.


Be advised that only the earliest Mickey animations are public domain; his colorization, friends, and details added later are still protected. Furthermore: Mickey Mouse in particular still has a lot of trademark hooks which could render him unusable anyway. My take is that Mickey Mouse has belonged in the public domain for a long time and that trademark ought not smother his use outside brand recognition. I expect legal fireworks in the coming years whose fallout will set precedent for generations to come.

Final Question

Imagine if I were to build a business empire strongly associated with the 500 year old Mona Lisa by Da Vinchi and I became so successful and diversified you’d need to live as a hermit on Mars to get away from me – and even then you would see Mona Lisa branded equipment when shopping for homesteading supplies. Should I be able to claim copyright infringement on someone selling posters of the original painting?

I look forward to debating answers –especially from an opposing viewpoint– in the comments below or on my Socials!

Never Buy Junky New Computers

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I am seriously thinking about a long-awaited computer upgrade. Let’s get started!

I’ve had a lot of fun learning Linux and not only doubling (or more) the useful life of my workstations. With out the full bulk of Windows, they’ve been able to keep up with my modest needs decently well, if I don’t say so myself. Through the occasional upgrade, I figure I’ve made the systems under my care last at least another generation worth of computers per what’s typical in my house – maybe two.

But over the past year, I’ve come across the stray project or game… As it stands, working with AI art on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 is like trying to race go karts with pedal power. Some interesting applications may as well be a NASCAR event. A few applications I’ve been wise enough not approach yet. I approached my father to ask him if a graphics card was right for me while I plan on saving up for a nicer desktop or if I should just go for a full workstation now.

Shopping for a GPU

I came up with three tasks I want a new graphics card to do: AI art, VR, and gaming. My current card got me into AI art, but renders take minutes – too long to hold my interest long-term. I’ve used Virtual Reality headset one time; while it was fun, I’ll be after an open source driver (privacy concerns) probably on a tethered model, which my card likely isn’t up to rendering satisfactorily. Finally, I have a recent game I wish to blog onto Linux for an upcoming post without exploring the depths of its “potato mode.”

AI art relies on something called CUDA, which I know very little about except it’s tailored to NVIDIA cards, so I’m shopping NVIDIA. A big question is if I want to patch myself over until my next big machine for $300, or do I want to blow around $1600 for a card I will take to the next system. My father pulled up a benchmark by Tom’s Hardware showing that only the top of the market cards are gaming 4K at 60 fps. And while the bottom of the market may be an upgrade from where I am now, it didn’t look as massive a leap forward as I took it to be at first glance the night before.

But of course I’ll get the best experience with a balanced system. PCI slots may be the same shape, but my motherboard has generation 3 PCI and we’re on generation 6. I’d need a whole new machine to take proper advantage. So, why not look for one?

Shopping for a Full System

I’ve been interested in getting a System76 machine with Linux preinstalled for a while now. It wasn’t long before we were looking at the laptops, as that’s another gap to fill in my present tech loadout. For Autism reasons, I need a heavy laptop. I find the weight comforting. These ultra-portables weighing less than a Frisbee won’t do it for me. This leaves the top of the line “Desktop Replacements.” And would you know it, System76’s top tier laptop is listed as having the kind of graphics card I was looking at.


Growing up I had the following rule ground into me in regards to computers: don’t buy junk. If you buy the computer hardware you will need X years down the road, you’ll end up saving money once you count up the cost of a parade of budget computers bought along the way – as well as enjoying the turbo boosted performance along the way.

Final Question

What factors do you consider when shopping for computer hardware?

I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below or on my Socials!

Browser Tabs vs. Bookmarks

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project of the week. Let’s get started!

When you’ve got RAM to spare, tabs and bookmarks seem almost interchangeable.

A few favorites kept open long-term turns into leaving forgotten research open with a few really good memes mixed in. Let’s just agree that a hundred or more tabs constitutes a problem I’ve been shirking for a while.

I’m working on just my primary daily driver, my upstairs workstation running EndeavourOS. My Internet tab organization on this machine uses three windows: one for ‘fun’, one for ‘blog’, and a ‘???’ one because I sometimes need two pages at once – such as an online game and a special calculator for it.

As with any other downsizing project, I used three categories: Close, Bookmark, and Recycle. Some tabs were obviously irrelevant, so I weeded them out. Most were saved as a bookmark organized by topic. Other tabs I wasn’t sure about or didn’t have a category, so I left them open for a while.

In total, I created categories for around 25 blog projects in phases ranging from concept to needing follow up or maintenance. These will need a second pass as many tabs only got a few seconds’ judgment call and in several cases, I made a “close enough” match.

Other finds of interest were memes I stashed away separately, duplicates I closed when I noticed them already bookmarked, and I even found and consolidated half a dozen web interfaces from my homelab alone.


Heavy duty tab management is something I should be doing more than once every few years – or even once an operating system in my case on this machine. I managed to get my three browser windows down to where two don’t have to scroll and the “fun” window only has two screen widths.

Final Question

How do you organize your online browsing habits?

Let’s Build… a Shelf?

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project for the week. Let’s get started!

My bedroom closet is an interesting shape. One side is only deep enough for hangers, and the other fits my dresser with standing room left over. Over time, my dresser became the de-facto resting place of a couple boxes with soft articles stacked on top of that. A few weeks ago, I had a gravity crisis involving a towel and some winter bedding.

Taking a look at the rest of my closet, I noticed a bunch of unused space above my dresser. An additional shelf would fit the space nicely. The two existing shelves are of a simple enough construction: two brackets, a pinewood surface, a dowel for hangers, and some screws to hold everything together. A matching shelf for light-weight, long term storage shouldn’t be too difficult, and should work nicely if/when the house is sold.

Gathering Materials

A special thank you to my father for doing most of the actual work in building the shelf. I mostly did logistics tracking (strategic pestering) to have it done within the week. When I use the term “we,” it’s something he either did while I was either unavailable or ducking away from noise.

Our local hardware store is rigged for Pandemic Brand Pickup (not really a TM): order online, and your merchandise shows up in lockers outside. The brackets made it home this way, but the board had to be picked up manually. Online listed a board that would have been about the right size had our local branch carried it, so a longer one found its way home.

When we went to actually build the shelf on Sunday, we noticed the brackets’ brace pieces were round as opposed to the “flat” ones already in-place. We needed screws for going into the wall anyway, so it was back again to the hardware store.

Shelf Assembly

As much as I would have preferred a nice, symmetrical construction, the brackets must mount into studs. With my closet the seeming result of leftover space within our house’s structure, the stud finder’s lopsided report should not have been so great a surprise. The sides of the studs were marked with a pencil. A measuring tape pointed to how high to drill pilot holes so we didn’t start cracks in the wall while driving screws. Soon, the brackets were hung and secured.

The pinewood board wasn’t the prettiest to look at. Not only was there a knot running across the width on one side but the side we kept had a bunch of micro knots one might mistake for mold spots. The shelf is going in above my head, so I chose the better looking side to go face down – even though it had some lumber markings, a number printed onto it, and a bad cut line from before we discovered the store hadn’t cut the ends at a 90 degree angle. We sanded the markings off, and I continued sanding a little for slightly smoother surfaces. The board was secured with four tiny screws from our stockpile.

The hanger rod was sourced from our supplies – most probably it came out of a closet elsewhere in the house. We shortened it, but it had a large splinter we had to glue back into place and clamp it overnight. The morning of posting, I spent a while sanding it smooth and we installed it taking into account the nicest side to look at while hiding a previous screw hole and the repaired splinter.


The field of computing is complemented by additional skills. While this shelf might only ever support cloth, home improvement techniques can just as easily be used to cable manage a workstation, get your network goodies off the closet floor, or install a wall-mounted server.

Final Question

What supporting skills have you used for computing?

To Research: Android Rooting

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a background research project for this week. Let’s get started!

Years ago, I promised myself I would pay closer attention to the terms of service gatekeeping important tech and software (such as operating systems) before using them regularly. To keep my complaint simple: Big Tech inhales data, and it is willing to exploit the least among us to get it. A consequence of my decision has been the inconvenience of having no cell phone since we switched carriers since our old ones weren’t accepted despite still being functional.

The Problem With Android

Android is a dark sheep. While running Linux at its heart, the spirit of free and open source software has been beaten out of it like an abused puppy locked away in Google’s basement. While technically fair game for hobbyists, the search giant’s monopoly on the definitive repository, the Play Store, makes it near-impossible to make a profitable Android product without cooperating with their “quality control” (See Amazon’s Kindle for a/the counterexample).

In addition, much of Android phones’ questionable behaviors (like user tracking) is governed by closed source packages included at Google’s insistence. Some packages are like the keyboard app and can be swapped out as easily as any other app. Others are software libraries built deeper into the system and called on by independently developed apps; these are harder to strip out and replace by their nature, but it is doable if the device is rooted.


Root is Linux’s administrator account. A rooted phone is therefore an Android with root permissions restored. Root has the power to remove that news app you never asked for and didn’t want. Root can remove those annoying battery charge caps on an old phone or change the IMEI number on a new one’s modem. Root also has the power to brick your device and turn it into a paperweight if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Manufacturers are understandibly adverse to users with root. They can’t know what they’ve been doing or how security has been compromised by poor choices. They’ll invalidate warranties (as a general rule) on rooted devices, though you are often entitled to an explanation as to how a root job could have caused the damage; rooting will let you blare your music loud enough to damage the speakers, but an accidental damage policy should still cover a screen crack from dropping it in theory.

For my research this week, I located a total of four Android devices I have leave to root as I please. My mission critical device is an LG Stylo 5, but for practice, I have two Samsung Galaxy S7 edge units in addition to my everyday use tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1). As it turns out, big-name flagship products, like my practice articles, have more protections against being rooted than the device I actually care about. I also learned how important it is to know exactly what product you’re dealing with as even the carrier a phone was made for can be the difference between a successful firmware update and bricking.

Just as there are generally multiple software applications for a particular job, so too are there multiple utilities for actually rooting. From what I can tell, the conversation about Android modification is almost exclusively done from the Windows platform, though I do remember reading about a tool for Linux. There is much research remaining.


I have weighted the benefits of an Android phone against Google’s terms and decided that while cell phone access is important, it isn’t important enough to me to carry around their mechanical spy. The cleanest getaway outside a so-called “Linux phone” would be flashing a custom ROM, but I tremble each time I look into that. Replacing the worst offending software is closer to my skill level at this time. I’ve already done so with my main keyboard, and I’m working up the nerve to root and fortify my phone’s privacy.

Final Question

Do you own a rooted Android? What method and tools did you use? What did you do with it once you were done?

Room for New Projects

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project of the week. Let’s get started!

I live in a typical middle class, American home in suburbia: master suite, a few bedrooms, shared bathrooms, assorted living spaces, front lawn, back yard, driveway, and a garage. The same or similar goes for each of my hundreds to thousands of neighbors living within walking distance. Some houses are larger or smaller. My family’s cars occupy the driveway, and our garage is brimming with storage buckets to sort through.

The State of Our Garage

We already have a workshop in the garage, but it would be a nice place to house some projects. My robotics lab may have and the still-unfinished photo trunk project have admittedly taken over the art room, and I have been invited to help clean out a space where my stuff can be better consolidated for managing things like excess heat, sound, and/or fumes.

This project is one I’ve been particularly unenthusiastic about whenever it’s come up over the years growing up. We have roughly 100 clear, plastic storage buckets per a brief and incomplete inspection, especially if you start counting the odd cardboard box. While many of them are used for things like holding Christmas decorations, games/puzzles, or sentimental treasures, around a third to half of them are the Big, Bad, Clutter Bucket.

I hate the Clutter Bucket just as much as my parents. I’ve had favorite toys slammed into them wholesale when a parent got frustrated with a messy room; it was so loud and painful, my Autism registered it as yelling despite getting reminded that not a word was being said (parents didn’t have Container Analogy or even a good predecessor). Their cleanup has been [unsuccessfully] used as a condition of engaging in preferred activities (read: chores before play). Threats of outright dumping their miscellaneous contents in the garbage still cause triggering echos when I remember them to this day. And the worst part is that whenever I was sent to find stuff to put away, I honestly never knew where most of it belonged!

Cleanup In Progress

The above back and forth played out for years until Clutter Buckets became an uncomfortable fact of life lurking in the background. It wasn’t until I had a good, parental talk a little over a week ago that my worst anxieties were addressed: a lot of the Clutter Buckets are mostly trash: treasured memories were not being planned for disposal.

This assurance paired with a clear, long-term goal in mind has done wonders for my motivation. It’s still mostly not my mess to clean up, so I cannot be the one sorting things for disposal. What I can do is move buckets and boxes around for my parents to identify and carry out their subsequent instructions.

With teamwork, the empty buckets started to pile up. When we ran out of Clutter Buckets along the walkway through the garage, I spent some time sorting out low-priority buckets, and stacking them in a less accessible area while taking care of some easy boxes and cuing buckets for parental sorting.

A great hunt was made to locate the CD bucket in the hopes of finding a piece of software crucial to a surprise project. I paced the garage for a whole day, checking most buckets at least five times, inspecting the difficult to access ones at least twice, and providing our garage cat to give scritchies over twenty times. The VIP bucket was legit the last one available to lay my eyes on – it was by the pathway all along, hiding at the bottom of our stock of toilet paper packages. The software I wanted wasn’t in it.

I spent a significant portion of Sunday pacing the garage again. Odd pieces of laundry, corroded batteries, and stray CD’s/CD cases were all taken care of, but I felt less productive overall. The highlight of the day was working out provisions to home CD and floppy disk buckets where they can more easily be found: in the network closet. The paper soup in the first box they’re replacing got split between the shredder and recycle, with my father setting a few aside to sort later.


This is an ongoing project. During my survey late Sunday night, I included ten empty buckets – most of which were full two weeks ago. And in case there is any doubt, I love my parents and trust that they were doing the best job of raising me they could. Mistakes were made and trauma was had, but lessons were learned and forgiveness was had.

Final Question

I’ve had a Podman project stuck for months just trying to mount a volume hosted on a drive mounted over NFS. Have you ever had success in this apparently niche department?

I look forward to solving this issue with someone either in the comments below or on one of my Socials.

Autism Month: Container Analogy

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and I have a very special post this week where I explain what it’s like for me living with Autism and meltdowns. Let’s get started!


I struggle with Autistic meltdowns. As early as I can remember, I’ve been asked why I behave certain ways (usually as punishment for misbehavior perceived to be intentional), and just as long, I’ve been coming up with different –sometimes contradictory– explanations of my mental processes. Few were memorable except possibly a school essay circa around 2008-2009 comparing myself to a squishy energy ball with situationaly dynamic properties.

My analogies grew in complexity as I tried to build one unifying theory. It grew so many rules neither I nor anyone else could keep everything straight for a predictable model of my reactions. I could be fine after a loud noise one day and in terrible pain from a quieter one the next. In self-preservation, I would sometimes force myself into the worse reaction to afford others’ understanding when I needed it.

Then one evening in or around 2016 (wild guess), I penned the first draft of my container analogy as a frustrated message to a long-time friend over Discord who had sent me into a bad meltdown. It overflowed the 2,000 character limit, comparatively grew into a Calculus-grade explanation of how the rules change to my previous brute-force, Algebra-like rule sets, and was ultimately never sent after pending review by a trusted family member in case it was too hot a take. Instead, I put it into a document which had my entire Autism support group nodding, impressing our psychologist, who encouraged me into researching how to copyright it.

Since then, I’ve re-imagined it a time or two, and I’m ready to share it as part of Autism Month. If you or someone you know is on or is a caregiver for a member of the Autistic spectrum, it is my hope and prayer that this analogy can be a tool of healing and understanding.


If I were to ever depict the control room of my brain, it would feature a container with an inlet and an outlet – a buffer between all incoming sensory information and my ability to process it. When fluid arrives faster than it can drain, the level rises and will eventually overflow in a chain reaction known as a meltdown, where all the fluid is spilled across the floor of BrainHQ. Higher thought processes –including evaluation of probable consequences– are impeded as base instincts attempt to clean up.

Processing generally happens over time, but a particularly suitable environment can reduce the amount of incoming fluid, freeing up resources for additional processing capacity. A meltdown in progress can go from raging to manageable simply by retreating to a designated space.

The most important difference about this container is its dynamic and invisible volume. Only its relative fullness, processing speed, and state of meltdown are known by its owner at any given time. By mentally tracking how full it’s been over time, its current capacity can be estimated. Involuntary or uncontrolled meltdowns dramatically shrink the container’s capacity to the point where even small stimuli can instantly overflow a post-meltdown container. Similarly, the expectation and execution of a particularly good time or special event can expand the container’s capacity to temporarily cope with volumes a neurotypical brain automatically can filter through.

A trigger is a stimulus that fills this container more than it should – either when compared to similar stimuli or had the same stimulus been experienced by most anyone else. One or two large ones can easily “trigger” a meltdown. Small, normally ignorable triggers in rapid succession can leave fluid sloshing around for subsequent triggers to splash fluid out of the container, causing a meltdown over several otherwise nothings.

In one unpublished telling of this analogy, I visualized the container and fluid as a barrel with apple cider so as to relate to a fictional character of mine I was role playing against an avatar of myself in a story format. In one scene, the cider spoiled, soaked into the wood of the barrel, and leached back into future thought processes at semi-random intervals. These echos are a particularly nasty kind of trigger where each echo comes back as an individual trigger joining its all its previous peers at once for an amplified effect. Individual instances generally fade over time, but re-exposure to memorable triggers has a way of inciting instant recall.


Everything brought up so far has been passive. You can’t expect me to scrub toilets and tell me to have a mindset of going on vacation to cope. That doesn’t mean there aren’t things to do to optimize the container’s performance.

The container has some elasticity. When needed, it can be stretched, but extra fluid has to be dealt with as maximum capacity rebounds below normal. This holds true for both big, stimulating event as well as when a meltdown would be obviously and immediately dangerous, like while driving. Overuse of this strategy can damage the container’s maximum capacity long-term.

Opposite the first strategy is to prematurely trip a controlled meltdown-like state where some input is ignored as a triggering stimulus passes by. This can be as mild as mentally blanking out a loud car as it passes to full-on turtle mode, where all input bypasses the container and gets dumped. A sampling of random input can be retained to determine if it’s safe to bounce out, but the better the sample, the less effective the bypass strategy will be.

Sometimes, more fluid is expected than will ever fit or can be bypassed. This is when clumsy base impulses in charge of cleanup seize the controls meant for the higher functions now stepping back into a bunker. Senses –though heightened– aren’t as immediate a concern as the autopilot guides a melted individual to safety. This perceived degree of separation feels similar to controlling a video game character or navigating a choose-your-own-adventure style dream. Consequences are still harder to conceive of, but the higher functions have a veto in this mode if the path of least resistance is reasoned to be more dangerous than wading through the trigger-infested fluid.

The last strategy is a cry for help. Petition another person for aid. Depending on the situation or individual, it may be as simple as explaining the situation verbally with words to as vague as acting “off” for someone to notice and ask. Embellishment may be used sparingly to convey a sense of magnitude or urgency, but over-outlandish comparisons run the risk of rejection.


I’ve tried to integrate as much of my analogy into a single narrative as possible, but I’ve found it to be easily extendable. Even so, some details don’t fit in well elsewhere.

Fluid spilled in a meltdown –if not cleaned in a timely manner– will harden and take even longer to recover from.

There is a strategy called masking I personally am not a fan of relying on, but it works for some people: a foreign pattern of behavior is emulated using extra mental resources. Overuse leads to burnout.

Burnout is where the brain unwires potentially needed skills from speech to social skills to computer programs. Burnout may last anywhere from a day or two to long enough to re-learn the skills from scratch.

Another way to look at base instincts/impulses is as an idiot doppelganger at the brain’s controls. One of my notes from the cider version of this analogy visualizes this doppelganger as being made of spilled fluid. But it was competing with imagery of my character’s shadow separating out to wade through the fluid to operate the controls. I loved both illustrations so much, I couldn’t pick a single one, and eventually lost interest in the project. They may work in a fused for thoug.


There is a distinction between triggers and meltdown vs anger and temper tantrums. The two sets may appear similar and occur concurrently, but one is a type of fight, flight, or freeze sequence, while the other is a basic human emotion driven by perceived injustice allowed to degenerate into bad behavior. This is why I have taken to making a distinction between triggers and Autistic triggers when talking with people outside my inner circle.

Autism is said to be a spectrum: no two people with it are the same. Once you’ve met one person with Autism, you’ve met one person with Autism, and the next one will be different. A stimulus or deprivation thereof may be soothing for one person and a supermassive trigger for another.


Autism is a lifelong challenge, but by the love and grace of God, my family loves each other. It breaks my heart knowing there exist members of the spectrum locked in a state of perpetual meltdown and masking as a matter of survival. The quality of life the Almighty has blessed me with I definitely would wish on those who would make assumptions about me based on their own experiences [particularly those with Autism], make hurtful or degrading judgments, and leave without a second thought. I believe this post has the potential to help.

Further Reading

Instead of a Final Question, I’d invite you to review a couple pieces that have been influential in my journey with Autism.

The first is a book: Managing Meltdowns: Using the S.C.A.R.E.D. Calming Technique with Children and Adults with Autism by Deborah Lipsky and Will Richards. I haven’t read it for myself, but I found even the outline, and chapter summaries to be powerful tools to compliment my understanding of what goes in within my own mind.

The second is a video by YouTuber Mark Rober: The Truth About my Son. In it, he has a vivid demonstration in a park about life without filters. Even in the relatively low-stimulus environment of my own home, I have distractions I have to purposefully ignore. The computer fan beside me is making a constant sound, the sound of the keys as I type, the slight squeaks of my decently lubricated chair – occasional noises from upstairs as a Star Trek episode finishes up, my dog vibrates the room with his snoring if he’s not looking up at me, my cat keeps coming around to visit, there’s a vacuum cleaner sitting by my desk I sometimes rest my foot on. Even the fabric of my shirt is registering.

I look forward to discussing this topic in the comments below or on my Socials.

My Homelab Report, 2023

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a snapshot of my different computers as of mid-March, 2023. Let’s get started!

I have felt a need for a page detailing my so-called “homelab” detailing the computers and other equipment I personally maintain. I didn’t finish any big projects this week, so here’s a first draft of that page. It’s listed in roughly the order I took ownership/responsibility for each piece. I’ve tried to gather each computer’s base model/modified configuration plus a list of its presently bootable operating systems. Warning: unexplained technobabble ahead.

Red Laptop

Dell Inspiron N7110

Debian 11

As the oldest operational computer in my fleet, this laptop has been with me for almost 12 years, though most every part was replaced while it was under extended warranty. Shortly after I started this blog, I installed Debian 10 on a USB external drive. I nuked its Windows drive one week by formatting the wrong disk, and later replaced it with a 1 TB SSD, cloned Debian inside, and it served as a get-me-online machine until the screen bezel cracked, threatening to shatter the screen the next time I’m not careful. It’s now serving as a backup home server, and it’s desktop environment has proven vital to rebounding from at least one network emergency since.

Upstairs Workstation

Custom Build

Intel Core i7-3770K (3.50GHz)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (rev a1)
24 GB RAM (2×8+2×4)

Windows 10
EndeavourOS (WIP)

“Upstairs Workstation” also predates when I started naming my computers. I got it for university when laptop turned up as bit underpowered. I went from Windows 7 to Windows 10 with this machine, narrowly avoiding an online tech support scam (10 didn’t support a Wi-Fi cart I was using at the time and later finished burning out when I put it back in after switching to Linux).

Derpy Chips

Custom Build
Intel Core i7-2600K (3.40GHz)


Derpy was named for its tendency to give power kernel errors during its first service life until its retirement. When I adopted it, I gave it a new hard drive and inadverantly diagnosed the one lowballed part: its 2 TB HDD. I’ve also had issues with a stick of RAM from it, but I’ve had it running smoothly for a few years now as a secondary workstation.


Dell Optiplex 7010
1×60 GB SSD
1×1 TB SSD (external)

Debian 11
Rocky 8

ButtonMash has been my main x86 experiment machine as well as my home server. I bought it from a church member who was upgrading his dental office computers. I My was host to my first Linux install: Ubuntu, but I’ve put it through a parade of distros including MicroCore (where I learned the command line), MineOS, Debian (originally from “red laptop”), and finally Rocky. Today, it serves as my primary home server, where I am setting up several Podman containers including Vaultwarden, PiHole, Nextcloud, and Minetest – each on a separate account for further isolation.

If and when we need to scan pictures, ButtonMash is dual booted with an external SSD I originally used with my Red Laptop.


Synology NAS

4x7TB HDD RAID 5 share
1 TB SSD share (external)

GoldenOakLibry is our home NAS intended for picture scanning. If nothing else, it’s exposed me to using a computer that’s meant to do nothing but serve files. I have a long way to go before I master it.

Raspberry Pi’s


My collection of super-flexible Raspberry Pi computers has served me well. At the moment, the Pi 4’s are serving as OpenWRT router firmware configured as Wi-Fi-to-Ethernet adapters for my upstairs workstation and my sister’s desktop. My Pi 3B+ has been inactive since its 3D printed PacMan ghost case got smashed, and my Pi 400 shares a monitor at my upstairs workstation.

Other/Misc computers

3D printer

Maker Select Plus
Added braces+feet

I am no master at 3D printing, but I know enough of the basics to scrape together most everything I try. At present, my printer needs a new fan and a printbed that isn’t warped.

Pine Phone

UBPorts Edition

The average smartphone these days spies on you. Its parent company is allowed to by the terms of service you need to accept before use. I resolved to not blindly accept any new EULA’s without knowing what I’m getting into and learning enough to be confident I’ve done something to mitigate the worst of these violations of privacy. As a consequence, I don’t have a usable phone ever since we switched providers a while back.


I have three uninterruptible power supplies directly under my supervision – one serving the network closet, one serving my upstairs workstation, and the other ButtonMash’s area. As of yet, I have not figured out the open source NUT driver.

My Father’s workstation

Dell Optiplex 7020

Linux Mint 20.3
Debian 11


After I bought ButtonMash, I got another used workstation out of the same dental office, replaced Windows, and gave it both sets of RAM. I later talked my father through installing Debian 11 on ButtonMash’s original hard disk

Ventoy USB (32 GB)

Not technically a computer, but easily one of my most versatile tools. Ventoy makes Linux media creation as simple as dragging and dropping a .ISO. Even better is that I can still put normal files on it!


Each part of my lab serves its function. There’s a certain joy when I get something new working and get to show it off.

Final Question

Which of your projects are you most proud of?