Learning OPNsense: DNS Adblocking

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with another short update my progress with my OPNsense firewall. Let’s get started.

I have done a substantial amount of work with DNS on my home network, but as noted in a previous post, it’s sub-optimal to exclusively manipulate your Domain Name System access from a power-hungry desktop when you sometimes have to ration electricity in your Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). I like PiHole’s web interface with all its fancy, moving graphs and charts, but our new firewall, Cerberus, can replicate the functionality I need.

I primarily use PiHole for DNS ad blocking, but I also explicitly blacklist a few URL’s while hosting local DNS records for servers on my Local Area Network (LAN), though the later is a work in progress.

OPNsense→Services→Unbound DNS→Blocklist→Type of DNSBL offers a drop-down checkbox menu of block lists. This is in contrast to PiHole→Adlists, which lets you import lists from arbitrary sources (edit the day after posting: OPNsense Unbound does have a URLs of Blocklists field). Either way, it should go without saying that sites and ads only need to be blocked once; it will only slow your DNS service down if given a bunch of redundant lists. From what I remember installing OISD Big onto PiHole, they aggregate several of these lists and remove the duplicates. PiHole also picked up a list named StephenBlack with a comment, “Migrated from /etc/pihole/adlists.list.” It sounds like a system default, but in any case, I found it had stuff not on OISD Big. OPNsense Unbound has the option for it, so it got migrated.

Migrating singled-out blacklist items was as simple as adding each entry to a comma-separated list (where PiHole wants separate entries). I’m going to wait on migrating my LAN domain names though. I believe I found the place to do it, but ButtonMash isn’t running Caddy to recognize subdomain requests right now.

One last step was to get into the red gaming router we’ve been using and point its DNS at Cerberus the Firewall. I then pointed its secondary DNS alternative at ButonMash.

To summarize, we should have the exact same protection as before on a smaller battery footprint and within the firewall’s default attack surface to boot!

Encrypted DNS

One of my eventual goals is to have my own recursive DNS server, which seeks out an a URL’s authoritative DNS record if it doesn’t have it cached. This will increase privacy, but I haven’t figured it out at a production grade yet. Instead, I looked up the best free and privacy respecting DNS, and so far as I can tell, that’s Cloudflare at

From OPNsense, it wasn’t much more trouble to encrypt using DNS over TLS. I would prefer DNS over HTTPS, does the same thing but camouflages DNS requests as normal web traffic. For now, I’m assuming Unbound can’t do this and working properly. Please tell me if I’m wrong.


It’s slow going, but I am moving into Cerberus. While looking around, I found a module for NUT (Network UPS Tools), a utility for shutting down computers gracefully as their UPS runs down. I wanted to get it working, and for a moment after a reboot I did, but for reasons beyond me besides the driver on BSD not agreeing the best with CyberPower UPS systems, I’m at a loss. At this point, I am thinking to install a small Linux box to do the job at a future date, even though that will be yet another thing on the UPS.

Final Question

From above: Do you know of a way for OPNsense’s Unbound module to run DNS over HTTPS? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below or on my Socials!

Hardware Firewall Up!

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project of the week. Let’s get started!

I left off last week having made attempts on four separate nights trying to get the hardware firewall online in a production context. When I tested it between my upstairs workstation and its OpenWRT+Raspberry Pi router/Wi-Fi adapter, it worked fine. Put it back in production between our ISP’s gateway and our existing gaming router, and no one gets Internet.

The solution: pull the gateway’s plug for 30 seconds and let it reboot. Internet solved.

Longer explanation: my ISP box is in some sort of bridge mode, where it’s supposed to pass the external IP address to a single device (usually a router, but can be a normal computer). In this mode, it didn’t like this device getting swapped out – possibly as a security measure. It still reserves the address as itself through out the network, a behavior I took to be half-bridge mode, but my surprise this week while fiddling with settings was that it did in-fact pass on the external address.


I expected the struggle to continue a lot longer, but I actually figured it out pretty quickly once I started researching the symptoms online. I explored the settings a bit more. I’d like to move the functions of PiHole over, but the web interface has a drop-down menu for block lists instead of a text box. I’ll look into it another time. Instead, I spent a good chunk of the week weeding grass and getting a sunburn.

Final Question

Have you ever found you were rebooting the wrong thing? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below or on my Socials!

Unboxing: Hardware Firewall (Protectli Vault)

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I have on my desk between my keyboard and monitors a new Protectli Vault running OPNsense. Let’s get started.

After at least a couple years tentatively researching hardware firewalls, it’s here. Let me tell you: it’s both a relief and a bit of pressure. I’m glad I’m no longer starting from scratch over and over again, but now I feel time pressure to deploy it despite my parents’ assurance that it’s much better to go at a responsible pace. And unless you’re a full time network specialist, that pace is longer than a week.

My Current Network and Its Weaknesses

At present, my home network starts with a box owned and controlled by my service provider. This gateway feeds into a gaming router before going out to a couple switches and Wi-Fi. One of my desktops has OpenWRT on a Raspberry Pi 4. ButtonMash, my home server, runs Podman containers for Vaultwarden (Password vault storage) and PiHole (DNS ad blocking). We have a Network Attached Storage by the hostname of GoldenOakLibry. Everything minus a couple workstations has battery backup in case the lights go out.

And when the lights do go out, the first big flaw comes out. While the network closet may last several hours, Power-hungry ButtonMash and GoldenOakLibry chew through their shared battery in around half an hour before I added ButtonMash’s twin, Joystick, as a development platform. When ButtonMash goes down, the network loses DNS so we can’t resolve URL’s.

Additionally, I’d like to move to a non-default set of internal IP addresses, like 10.59.102.X instead of 10.0.0.X or 192.168.0.X. While computers getting automatic IP’s over DHCP will essentially take care of themselves, I have invested quite a bit of time into static IP’s on NFS (Network File System), and when I move GoldenOakLibry’s IP, I’ll need to adjust the automounts for all systems accessing it, and that’s just a pain. I want to learn how a home domain works.

I also have a number of network-related projects I’ve done research for, but burned out on before solving. From memory, here’s a checklist of partial/incomplete/need-to-redo projects:

  • Feline Observation Pi (First prototype tested, needs overhaul)
  • Website for family photo archive (Needs hardware firewall, rootless Podman/NFS, booru/wiki)
  • Nextcloud (Early prototype successful, needs rootless Podman/NFS before production)
  • Beowulf cluster (Early research)
  • Rootless Podman/NFS (Heard from a developer and solution may not exist [yet])
  • UPS battery monitoring/shutdown before power failure (Research phase)
  • Caddy (First prototype in production, needs overhaul)
  • Unbound (Incomplete prototype)
  • Reverse VPN [mobile traffic] (Need Hardware Firewall)
  • Podman systemctl –user (In production, but I cannot reproduce at will)
  • Domain/Domain Controller (Background research incomplete)

Keep in mind that the notes on each item suggesting a direction are just the direction I’m leaning in at the moment without reflecting the new hardware. Replacing GoldenOakLibry with a server beefy enough to handle running Podman would solve my current need for rootless Podman/NFS. I may find a replacement for Caddy that also works as a Domain Controller. Does Caddy even do that? Let me check… Inconclusive; probably not. I don’t know enough about what to look for in a Domain Controller besides the name. Most of my time focused on researching Demilitarized Zones.

Demilitarized Zone and Roadmapping

Originally, I had a goal of deploying this new firewall/router configured with a demilitarized zone network structure. With hardware in hand, I learned a lot! But as I learned, I realized I needed to learn that much more to do the job right. A DMZ is basically a low security area of your network for serving stuff over an untrusted network (usually the wide open Internet) while protecting your Local Area Network. Ideally your LAN would have a separate physical router in case the one servicing the DMZ is ever compromised, but a homelab environment should be a small enough target that branching off from a single hardened router should be fine. My trouble is that I can’t fully tell where to put what.

I already know I want to move PiHole, Unbound, and similar projects related to internet traffic, and other projects I want lasting a bit longer into power outages onto the new router. OPNsense is a distribution of BSD and not Linux, so I expect I will need to look into a Linux Virtual Machine if BSD-based containers aren’t available. The gaming router I’m using now will still be our Wi-Fi access point, but I’d prefer to retire it from DHCP duty.

ButtonMash and Joystick are my enigma. I had plans of clustering them, but I may need one in the DMZ and one on the LAN. GoldenOakLibry belongs on the LAN so far as I can tell – as do all workstations.


There will be more thought to give it another week. I went ahead and hooked it up in place, but it didn’t work despite how I had previously had it working between my upstairs workstation and its rPi router. I’ve reverted the setup to how it was before, and I’ll need to take a closer look and do some further testing.

Final Question

What was the last piece of tech you unboxed?

Study Month: Week Four

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a small update on what I learned this week. Let’s get started!

Not much progress happened this week. I won’t be clustering this month, but I did study the High Availability Add-On. It has a package name in there called Pacemaker, but I don’t know if it’s independent or a common library or what. Furthermore: I don’t know if a high availability cluster is right for me or not. I circled back around to Beowulf clusters after over a year of stuggle, but couldn’t conclusively tell if Red Hat’s implementation is one or not. Best I can figure is that you Beowulf once you have your task working on the first node and need to expand.

With that said, I did have some trouble along the way. Joystick, my new Rocky Linux 9 installation won’t boot – the computer keeps going to Mint no matter what I say in the BIOS. I tried running update-grub on Mint, but that just tidied away Debian with no new Rocky option. I vaguely remember something like this happening before, but I could be misapplying a memory. I want to try a GRUB disk; if that doesn’t solve it, I may need to reinstall. I still have the USB stick.

On a tangentially related note, I checked in on ButtonMash when Joystick didn’t boot and found it unupdated. It also thought it was July, 2018 and that everyone’s SSL encryption certificates were bad until I’d completely fixed the time. I suspect the motherboard’s system clock battery may be experiencing issues.

In conclusion for this month, I’ve been burned out. It’s been nice not having the near-constant stress of finishing a project or taking a walk of shame to split it off into [yet] another week, but at the same time, I didn’t get much done at all.

I still have a goal of combining multiple computers into a single, more powerful one behind a unified Cockpit experience. If I think about it though, I might be after some sort of Podman clustering technique, and I’ll still be no better off at getting Podman working over NFS than when I started!

Rocky Server Stack Deep Dive: 2023 Part 5

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I am learning more about Podman Quadlets for my homelab. Let’s get started!

Systemd and Quadlets

From my incomplete research going into this topic, I already know Quadlets is a system for efficiently integrating Podman containers in with Systemd. It was merged into Podman v4.4, and I had a small pain of a time trying to find a distribution with both that and legacy BIOS support along with a list of other requirements.

But what is Systemd? In short: Systemd is the init process –a process that manages other processes– used by most Linux distributions that aren’t trying to optimize for a low RAM or storage footprint. As it turns out, I’ve already had minimal exposure to it while writing unit files for NFS [auto]mounts and a static IP address on Debian. Systemd in turn bases units off these unit files to manage the operating system.

While Systemd unit files defining Podman containers can be written by hand, Quadlets can automate their creation based off simpler unit files of its own: .container, .network, .volume, and .kube. The first three look similar enough to concepts I’m familiar enough with that I figure I could hack an example into doing what I need.

But I’m interested in pods. With .pod unit files only a controversial feature request at best, that leaves me to explore .kube files, which run Kubernetes YAML files. I know nothing about writing Kubernetes YAML files from scratch, and I refuse to cram for them Thanksgiving week.

My project died here for a few hours. One Systemd tutorial brought up Syncthing in an example, and I spent a while on a tangent looking at that, but it too is too large to cram for this week. I unenthusiastically browsed back to Kubernetes, and found:

podman generate kube

Looks like I just might get away with adapting my scripts after all this week. With this in mind, I copied over my files from my laptop’s Debian drive to its new-last-week Rocky 9 installation. Focusing on Nextcloud, I cleared out my dead-end work with Fuse, abstracted volumes, and other junk before realizing BusyBox was likely a more suitable testing grounds.

My First Kuberneties File

I came up with the following bash script for such a pod:

podman pod stop busyBoxPod
podman pod rm busyBoxPod
podman pod create busyBoxPod
podman create \
--pod busyBoxPod \
--name BusyBox \
--volume fastvolume:/root/disk \
-it \
--rm \

And here is

# Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import
# it into Kubernetes.
# Created with podman-4.6.1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: "2023-11-23T01:29:45Z"
    app: busyBoxPod
  name: busyBoxPod
  - image: docker.io/library/busybox:latest
    name: BusyBox
    stdin: true
    tty: true
    - mountPath: /root/disk
      name: fastvolume-pvc
  - name: fastvolume-pvc
      claimName: fastvolume

I saved this output as busyBoxPod.yml and returned to Nextcloud.

Nextcloud put up a small tantrum getting re-updated for Podman 4.6.1. I had to look up how to Podman Secrets, and apply :z to volumes to satisfy SELinux. Redis however, refused to accept a password from Podman Secrets, so I rolled back that change. The pod should insulate it anyway. I got it to a point where it needed a domain name.

Branching out to bring up Pi-Hole and Caddy, I learned how the default Unbound configuration for the container I used only forwards DNS requests to Cloudflare. I’ll want to fix this later. I used firewall-cmd to forward ports for HTTP, HTTPS, and DNS to underprivileged ports for rootless containers.


UNCLE! I find more and more of my time supposedly working on server is procrastinating and stressing over either minutia or blankly staring at my screens when I muster enough focus to ignore distractions. There’s no way around it; I’m officially burned out on this project. I’ll maybe come back to it after the new year. I really wanted to get my .kube files working for at least Pi-Hole and Caddy, but it’s going to be a hard pass at the moment.

Final Question

I’m considering covering a free/open source game or few over December. What are your recommendations?

I look forward to hearing from you on my Socials!

I Have a Cloud!!!

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today I am celebrating my Project of the Year. I have Nextcloud installed! Let’s get started!

My NextCloud Experience in Brief

This week, I achieved a major milestone for my homelab – one I’ve been poking since at least early March of this year when I noted, “Nextcloud has been a wish list item since I gave up using Google’s ecosystem,” [1].

As I learned more about the tech I’m working with, I added specifications for storing scanned pictures on high capacity, but slow hard disks while making smaller files available with the speed of solid state – only to learn later how rootless Podman is incompatible with NFS. I studied “Docker Secrets” to learn best practices for password management – only to move the project to an older version of Podman without that feature. One innovation to survive this torrent of course corrections is running the containers in a pod, but even that was shifted around in the switch from Rocky 8 to Debian.

Two major trials kept me occupied for a lot of this time. The first involved getting the containers to talk to each other, which they weren’t willing to do over localhost, but they were when given a mostly equivalent IPv4 loopback address.

The second was the apparent absence of a database despite multiple attempts to debug my startup script. Nextcloud was talking to MariaDB, but it was like MariaDB didn’t have the database specified in the command to create its container. For this, I created an auxiliary MariaDB container in client mode (Thank-you-dev-team-for-this-feature!) and saw enough to make me think there was none. I wasn’t sure though.

One Final Piece

#remove MariaDB’s “dirty” volume
podman volume rm MariaDBVolume
#reset everything

There was no huge push this week. I came across an issue on GitHub [2] wondering why there was no database being created. By starting a bash shell within the MariaDB container, I found there were some files from some long-forgotten attempt at starting a database. All I had to do was completely reset the Podman volume instead of pruning empty volumes as I had been doing.

Future Nextcloud Work

Now that I have the scripts to produce fresh instances, I still have a few work items I want to keep in mind.

I expect to wipe this one clean and create a proper admin account separate from my main username, a practice I want to better get into when setting up services.

Adjacent, but I’ll want access on my tablet, which will entail getting the Bitwarden client to cooperate with my home server.

I still want my data on GoldenOakLibry. I’m hoping I can create a virtual disk or two to satisfy Podman which in turn RedLaptop can relay over NFS to network storage.

Final Question

Have you taken the time to set up your own personal cloud? I look forward to hearing about your setup in the comments below or on my Socials!

Works Cited

[1] Shadow_8472, “I Studied Podman Volumes,”letsbuildroboticswithshadow8472.com,March 6, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://letsbuildroboticswithshadow8472.com/index.php/2023/03/06/i-studied-podman-volumes/. [Accessed Oct. 2, 2023].

[2] rosshettel, thaJeztah, et. all, “MYSQL_DATABASE does not create database,” github.com, July 9, 2016. [Online].Available: https://github.com/MariaDB/mariadb-docker/issues/68. [Accessed Oct. 2, 2023].

My Nextcloud Sees its Database, but…

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today is another Nextcloud shot. Let’s get started!

It almost needs not an introduction at this point. I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been after a Nextcloud instance – and even the number of times I’ve complained about the same. I’ve demoed it using an integrated database, and I’ve since gotten its container into a Podman pod. My task today is getting the paired MariaDB container to behave.

Let’s start with my first error. Nextcloud is starting for the first time and it’s time to make an admin account.

Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

The container has been launched with flags providing environment variables pointing Nextcloud at the database and specifying the username/password to get in. I found someone having the exact same problem 4 years ago on Stack Overflow, and if I get user2880156’s explanation, “localhost” is not the same as spelling out a loopback IP address, like [1]. While some networked applications don’t care how they interact as server and client when on the same computer [namespace?], Nextcloud and MariaDB are not such a pair. It has something to do with types of network sockets, but I don’t understand beyond that. What matters to me now is that replacing “localhost” with “” got me to my next error.

MySQL username and/or password not valid You need to enter details of an existing account.

I’ve checked my environment variables more times than I can count. The required usernames and passwords were copy-pasted between the respective environment variables. The best lead I have is that the container may be bugged. People online have reported success with manually creating the full permissions/non-root account the database container is supposed to create on initial creation.

This insight led me to seek a manual fix from within the pod – specifically from a MariaDB command line as mentioned in the container’s documentation. After trying several different ways to modify a terminal command to run with Cockpit, I gave up, re-added a couple flags I was avoiding, and got the interface I was after rendered to both bash and Cockpit. I additionally split the command back into a separate script.

The MariaDB command line is unlike any I’ve used before. My first impressions are that commands are in all caps and variables are lower case. My final achievement before running out of time was to extract a list of user names (root, healthCheck, and databaseUser), where they’ve logged in from (variations on locations within the pod), and a partial hexadecimal output of their passwords.


Solving localhost vs addresses has given me insight into Cockpit’s curious behavior when remoting into to itself with localhost. Command line access to the database from within the pod is also huge.

Final Question

I’m not taking bets, and I’m afraid to ask, but what additional roadblocks should I expect?

Work Cited

[1] akrea, et. all, “nextcloud and mariadb (both) on docker: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory,” stackoverflow.com Mar. 10, 2019-Mar. 22, 2023. [Online]. Available:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55088828/nextcloud-and-mariadb-both-on-docker-sqlstatehy000-2002-no-such-file-or-d. [Accessed Sept. 4, 2023].

Podman-Nextcloud: Climb Shorter Mountains

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today it’s bully or be bullied as I take another swing at getting my Nextcloud instance even partially usable. Let’s get started!

If there’s one long term project of mine that just loves humiliating me, it’s getting Nextcloud operational. My eventual goal is to have it running in a rootless Podman container with a way to quickly move it to an auxiliary server. My strategy thus far has been to prepare three Podman volumes hosted on GoldenOakLibry (NAS) over NFS while accounting for the speed needs of the MariaDB and Nextcloud volumes with an SSD and vs the capacity needs of the PhotoTrunk volume with a RAID 5 array of HDD’s.

NAS: Network Attached Storage

NFS: Network File System

SSD: Solid State Drive

HDD: Hard Disk Drive

Lowering Expectations

I’ve lost count of how many times NFS has given me grief on this project, so I eliminated it. I moved the SSD from where it was on GoldenOakLibry to ButtonMash, my main server computer. I added it to /etc/fstab – bricking Rocky Linux. ButtonMash is dual booted, so I booted to Debian for repairs.

Rocky’s installation system uses an LVM2 format, which Debian can’t read by default. An LVM2 package exists, and I installed it. LVM2 partitions show up in lsblk as sub-partitions of an actual partition, and it is these sub-partitions that get mounted, for example:

sudo mount /dev/rl_buttonmash/root /mnt/temp

to mount the sub-partition that shows up as rl_buttonmash-root. While I did explore for a quick fix, it’s a very good thing when each side of a dual booted machine can repair the other. Mounting a file system is a very important tool in that kit.

Upon closer inspection, a contributing factor to bricking Rocky was the root account being locked. The computer booted into an emergency mode and got stuck in a loop ending with “Press ENTER to continue…” Unlocking it didn’t get me anywhere when I looked at the logs per the loop’s recommendation, but the command lsblk -f clued me in that I was mounting the drive using the wrong file system type, an error which was soon remedied after I discovered it.

Project Impossible

The move hardly seemed to fix anything as hoped. I didn’t solve much. I kept getting NFS related errors when trying to run the pod, even after moving to a new mountpoint I’d never touched with NFS automounts. I even tried mounting the volumes using hard links pointed at the mounted “data drive” and I still couldn’t get a working Nextcloud instance. Somewhere in my shambling among the apparently limited content available regarding this topic online, I found the following warning on Oracle’s Podman documentation:

Caution: When containers are run by users without root permissions, Podman lacks the necessary permissions to access network shares and mounted volumes. If you intend to run containers as a standard user, only configure directory locations on local file systems [1].

Rootless Podman lacks network share permissions. OK, so NFS out unless I can selectively give Podman network permission without going full root. Until then, Podman is limited to the local disk, and if I’m understanding this warning correctly, mounted drives are also off the table. My plans for a Photo Trunk upgrade may be grounded indefinitely, and with ButtonMash’s Rocky drive being only 60GB, I’m not looking to burden it with anything resembling bulk storage.


The next logical innovation would be to rebuild the project on a computer with more storage. Barring a full makeover of ButtonMash, I do have my Red Laptop as an auxiliary server. I made a new account, but in all reality, this inspiration came after my research cutoff. It’s a project for another week once again.

Final Question

My project directory is messy with scripts to the point where I started a README file. Have you ever had a project so involved as to need one?

I look forward to hearing about it in the comments below or on my Socials.

Work Cited

[1] Oracle, “Configuring Storage for Podman,” oracle.com, [Online]. Available: https://docs.oracle.com/en/operating-systems/oracle-linux/podman/podman-ConfiguringStorageforPodman.html. [Accessed July 27, 2023].

Call the Electrician

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project of the week. Let’s get started!

My house has been having intermittent electrical issues for a while, but they flared up enough to diagnose a couple weeks ago. It affected our computer room and the downstairs/backyard lights. Kitchen appliances and most other outlets were on other breaker circuits, thankfully.

It was Monday afternoon. Last week’s post was up, and I was tentatively researching February’s big project. My sister, Taz, asked for help moving her workstation to another room and off the faulty circuit. She warned me about her outlet sparking, so I equipped some leather gloves before I began jiggling out her UPS.

Uninterruptible Power Supply.

The outlet crackled as blue arcs flashed within the empty, upper socket and along the blades of the UPS plug as I wrestled with it. The room lights flickered off a few times, adding to the gut feeling I was aboard a starship, working over a console ready to explode in my face.

I put an amount of effort befitting a temporary relocation while arranging Taz’s computer. The challenge was her Internet connection. With OpenWRT fresh in my mind, the hardest part was deciding on a previous project SD card to overwrite.

Each card’s identity was easily confirmed by mounting it and checking <disk>/etc/label. One Raspberry OS install stuck out as redundant now that I use BalenaEtcher for disk imaging.

We quickly ran into an important gap in my networking knowledge: DNS. I shelved PiHole last week in part because I couldn’t get OpenWRT’s DHCP server to properly advertise it as the DNS server. Manjaro/KDE was mostly in last week’s attempts – even allowing for a DHCP IP with a manual DNS, but Windows’ “manual” IP configuration got wiped each time I tested “automatic (DHCP)”. This led to confusion and frustration when Taz saw our hosted Minecraft server online, but not the authentication servers for lack of DNS.

Domain Name Service – translates URL’s into IP addresses, a “phone book” for computers

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol – Automatic IP address configuration, a matradee for networks.

The electrician gave our sparking outlet a checkup. He said that as first goodie on the breaker circuit, everything else is wired in series. When it shorts, everything else is affected before breaker pop. Our outlet has buckled under a heavy load over years’ time; we’ll minimize its usage until repairs happen this coming week. Fun fact: lights and sockets sharing a breaker is a code violation, but it could have been fine when the house was built.

In the meantime, I idled a day or two while trying/failing to fix my DHCP configuration for lack of search terms. OpenWRT’s Lu-Ci web interface strikes a good balance: it’s user-friendly without being baby or admin-proofed. Nevertheless, I took my issue to r/techsupport’s Discord, where I learned about DHCP-options. So far as I can tell, DHCP-options is just a lookup table. Option 6 specifies a list of IPv4 addresses as DNS servers:



Messing with a sparking outlet the way I did was stupid. A few days’ retrospect told me I should have had a fire extinguisher ready. Editing this the night before posting, it dawns on me that de-energizing the whole breaker circuit would have been better still. I’m thankful nothing happened and that the situation is stable enough to wait for a repair.

I’m also glad to have learned about DHCP options. Of note, I picked up this week that Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi radios were never going to win any performance prizes. My Internet slowdowns are not just me.

Final Question

I’m trying something new by isolating glossary terms in a column. They were a pain to figure out, but I think I can control them now. What do you think?

Let me know in either the comments below or on my Socials.

My PiHole is “Half Baked”

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today I am installing PiHole. With luck, I’ll have be configuring some of its other functions to augment my home’s network as well. Let’s get started!

PiHole, Take II

I can rant about the evils of Google ‘til boredom do its part. However, this search engine is between inconvenient and impossible to ignore, given its impressive list of “hobbies” from STEM projects to smartphones. It’s an open secret few care to think about that their empire is built off user exploitation. I installed ad blocker browser plugins over their aggression last presidential election cycle.

Earlier this month, I read about Manifest v3, the new browser-plugin interface library created by Google. Their precautions against spyware just so happen to cripple ad blockers, among other legitimate plugins. This walking conflict of interest is set to roll out January, 2023, and Firefox is going along with it.

When a browser loads a web page, it asks a DNS service to translate the page’s URL into an IP address. It then finds, loads, and renders the page at that IP. This may involve loading other pages –such as ads– as elements of the original page. Network ad blockers protect you by fudging bad URL’s addresses.


My main goal this week is to kill ads across my home network. Follow-up objectives include advanced PiHole features and a private DNS for even better protection.

Night 1

My first attempt at PiHole was messy. I set up PiHole OCI/“Docker” containers across my two servers – ButtonMash and my old laptop. Like before, the main router skipped IP’s on me. I had it repaired within an hour thanks to my same laptop functioning as a workstation with a static IP. With the router upgrade to my upstairs workstation, I easily archived its settings and outfitted it with its own wider network static IP – complete with a netmask wide enough to chase down its rogue counterpart should it shift again (Did I have laptop’s static IP netmask configured incorrectly this whole time?!).

Surprise! The expanded subnet didn’t work because the rogue router had its own subnet mask I was outside of. The dance was too involved for a play by play, but I only really felt helpless while trying to avoid hiking around to different workstations to clean up after this failed networking spell. As I reassembled the router for normal operation, I reasoned out that my router’s firmware is hardwired not to consider a DNS coming from a LAN connection, like I’m trying to do.

Flashing open source firmware is out of the question. For one, I wouldn’t know how to fix it and don’t have a replacement. Two: apparently its chipset manufacturer isn’t a fan of open source – the help thread I spotted recommended contacting OP’s government representative if he wanted to do anything about it.

Night 2

I did a bit of research before dismantling the network again. DHCP settings include optional fields for DNS requests. This should let me direct computers straight to PiHole instead of relaying the request in a convoluted workaround involving a NAT table and possibly causing a network loop.

This means each router is now a separate task. The responsible thing to do now is ensure my subnet router can behave before working on the main one. It’s not long before I fry my DNS settings. Navigation around my local network remains unaffected, but I eventually resort to restoring my backup from yesterday, re-applying the static IP, and updating the backup.

My best bet from here is to finalize my PiHole install. My initial container creation was the absolute minimum: port 80 web interface, port 53/TCP+UDP. There’s a lengthy list of environment variables to browse.

A Few Days Later

Jackpot! My mind cleared enough before bed to skim PiHole Docker’s documentation on GitHub. It has a list of example deployments – including a shell script. I converted it for Podman, entered my environment variables, and –during debugging– axed the logic for relaying logs as it was causing problems and I can view them directly with Cockpit-Podman.

PiHole User

But where to land it? I’ll eventually integrate as I master Caddy. Leaving the container running as root lets it use the proper ports, but I know better. Thanks to discoveries I spun off into last week’s project, I can now make more underprivileged, Cockpit-enabled users than I will ever need by using loopback the address (

The run script was easy to copy over to my new PiHole user. I gave it the directories it wanted as mountable volumes and shifted ports around until I was happy. I took the time to tidy up my firewall, combining a couple related entries and reclosing the normal DNS port.

I remember having issues with Vaultwarden’s stability over the course of days to weeks. The problem was occasionally annoying as Bitwarden only requires its home server when modifying the password vault, but PiHole will be sorely missed the moment it goes down. The one place I found the solution was in the official Podman troubleshooting guide on their GitHub [1]:

loginctl allow-linger userName

I sadly could not verify this was my previous, solution to my Vaultwarden long-term issues, but it’s not entirely unfamiliar, and it’s my best-informed guess.

DNS Port Forwarding

With PiHole secured in its own, easily accessible account, I soon experienced how picky DNS requests are about using the privileged port 53. All my attempts at manually telling OpenWRT to use port 5300 failed. I expect the the story will be the same if I try with on my main router.

I found the solution where Woody from b-woody.com blogged about almost the exact same project last May [2]: port forward port 53 to port 5300. Paranoid about goofing my firewall over command line I ran my version of Woody’s commands past r/TechSupport’s Discord channel. Moderator Donjuanal confirmed my omission of a trailing “:toaddr=”, but questioned my blind use of tcp, explaining how DNS clients default to udp for speed.

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-forward-port=port=53:proto=udp:toport=5300 --permanent

Even with this measure in place, I had to access the web console and tick Settings>DNS>Interface settings>Potentially dangerous options>Permit all origins before my local requests made it through. This may need to be addressed later.


I am so glad to have PiHole installed, even if it doesn’t appear to be doing much more than the uBlock Origin Firefox plugin. I’m researching the next segment though, and I estimate another week or more worth of work before it is configured alongside a private DNS server. Worth noting is that Firefox is leaving in the features ad block requires, despite potential security concerns. This is as good enough stopping point.

Final Question

Do you use PiHole? I’d be happy to hear about your experience.

I look forward hearing your answers on in the comments below or on my Socials.

Works Cited

[1] eriksjolund, “Podman\ Troubleshooting\ A list of common issues and solutions for Podman,” github.com, Nov. 19, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://github.com/containers/podman/blob/main/troubleshooting.md [Accessed Jan. 30, 2023].

[2] Woody, “Run PiHole in a rootless Podman container,” b-woody.com, May 12, 2022.[Online]. Available: https://b-woody.com/posts/2022-05-12-pihole-on-a-rootless-podman-container/ [Accessed Jan. 30, 2023].

[3] Can You Block It, “CAN YOU BLOCK IT?\ AN SIMPLE AD BLOCK TESTER” canyoublokit.com, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://canyoublockit.com/ [Accessed Jan. 30, 2023].