Squashing All My Computers into One: Part 1

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today I am centralizing storage across my several computers. Let’s get started!

Computer Drift

One of my favorite things about Linux is exploring the possibility space of designs for what a computer operating system can look like. But maintaining multiple workstations can and will leave you wondering where that one picture is saved or what ever happened to that document you know you saved under blog drafts. I have no fewer than three computers –four or more if you count my laptop and ButtonMash as separate given their common install and/or my dual booted machines– it’s high time I consolidate my computers’ respective identities to reflect me as a single user given my access to GoldenOakLibry, the family network storage.

Project Overview

One would think the process would be as simple as dumping everything in a central location and spreading everything around be it garbage or not. Alas, subtle differences in installed programs or versions of programs make this approach unsuitable.

My best bet will be to think backwards. Not everything will be shuffled around; directories supporting install-specific programs should stay on their specific computer. Backups for such files are fine, but I can accidentally damage other instances if I’m not careful. I’ll need to tailor a number of Rsync commands and schedule them to run automatically with Cron. As this topic is basically day-of filler while I work on a larger project, the full job is a little out of my scope for today.

My goal for today is to make a backup I can operate manually and later automate. If things go well, I can see what I can do about Rsync, but Cron will need to wait for another day.

GUI File Transfer

The terminal is an important skill to have when managing a Linux ecosystem of multiple computers. However, there are some things, such as managing picture files, that inherently work better over a graphical file manager. While preparing for writing today, I noticed places like my respective Downloads directories are quite messy after a few years of Linux.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of jumping workstations all day, so I searched for a way to have the Dolphin file manager operate over SSH. The first result to catch my attention was called FISH (Files Transferred over SHell protocol). Similarly, SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) appears to fill a similar computing niche. Each would be an interesting research topic, but for my purposes today, they both work equally well as long as SSH is configured to use authentication keys.

Derpy’s Backup

The easiest place to start would be my DerpyChips workstation as that’s the one I’m working from starting off. Documents was fairly easy to clean out. I had some Blog drafts and some other stuff I sorted into proper places on the drive.

The dreaded Downloads directory was relatively tame on Derpy. Nevertheless, I still spotted elements from at least four distinct projects ranging from incomplete to long done or abandoned. I even found an instance of GraalVM I may have been running straight from Downloads. My goal is an empty directory. If it will update before I need it again or I won’t need it ever again, it’s gone. If I’m unsure, I’ll find another home for it. I similarly emptied out any directory intended for file storage. Pictures was simple this time, but I expect I’ll need a more elaborate structure once I start trying to organize additional computers’ worth of memories.

ButtonMash’s Backups (Debian and MineOS)

Things were a little more interesting when I started moving things over from ButtonMash. At first, I set a Dolphin instance up with ButtonMash’s home on the left and its view GoldenOak on the right, but when I got a warning about not being able to undo a delete, I thought twice. I did have a deletion accident last phase and used an undo action, so it’s Derpy’s view of it on the right.

I was right about needing to take pictures slowly on this one. Some pictures fit better in with my blog while mems I felt worth saving went in their own directory within the more general Pictures one. But I don’t need copies of everything everywhere if I can just access the drive. Possibly just my favorite desktop and my avatar, if that. I made a directory for those two and any others I may want to spread around.

File manager over SFTP understandably has limitations. Not all files can be directly accessed –particularly audio files– and some graphical files don’t render shortcuts. When I try to preview an archive, it must first be copied over as a temp file.

I had another accident while moving some old Python projects over. For whatever reason –be it permissions or simple corruption– some files didn’t copy over cleanly. I fished around with it a little more and gave up and deleted both source and destination, as I expect another copy was made when I cloned my laptop to its internal drive.

Thanks to this blunder, though, I was more careful when it came to the family’s Minecraft servers from when we were running MineOS. I encountered an error while copying, so I reverted to rsync directly from ButtonMash. Even then, I had to elevate permissions with sudo to finish the job.


I’d like to say I’m somewhere around half way with my goal for today, but if I am to take this task seriously, I’ll need to go back farther and reintegrate any old backups I may have laying around, and by that count, I at least eight computers to consider – more if I count Raspberry Pi’s and any recursive backups I may find.

In some ways, this project is not unlike my experience with synchronizing Steam games manually, but on a larger scale. I’m having to re-think my structure for what I want backed up where as well as how I’m planning to access it. This is not a simple grab and dump.

Final Question

Have you ever made an comprehensive and accessible backup of all your computers, present and surviving?

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