Programming a Pi to Deter Cats: Part 7

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today, I am simplifying the path before me. Let’s get started!

I went to the workshop again this week, and I got some fairly simple advice. I have a fairly fancy background system, but do I really need it? For a first prototype, probably not.

The new way forward is going to be just keeping a running average of the background. After initialization, each frame will be fed into a function to average it with the existing background. I have my doubts, but adding some weights to the average to favor the existing background should achieve the same goal with less computing power spent and less code written.

I also talked about a few other things while I was there. I wanted to take advantage of multiple threads, where one core would manage the background while another handled the object detection. I forgot an important detail: Python itself doesn’t support multiple threads. Now, if I were to have it start another program… Possibly not, though.

I also brought up the unlikely possibility of changing program constants while the program is running. Turns out there are ways to do that. From my brief glance at the topic, it’s not quite the module to include I imagined, rather: it looks like it might be similar to a cheat engine I once saw being used for a game. I’ll be looking into it for next week.

Hopefully by next week, I will have something set up to change global variables on the fly. Another good boon would be to fully implement the whole deal of fading the whole background. I was exposed to the sound chip, but with my case geometry, I’ll need a GPIO port ribbon to accommodate my inverted board and an extra power cord. I’m still aiming for modifying a buzzer to accept a pulse from the Pi instead of a finger on a button.

Final Question: I think I’ve finally realized on the format I want to use from now on. Review progress, present progress, then plan ahead. I don’t always make as much progress in a given week, so I often pad it with descriptions of future plans. What do you think?

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