A New Tool Part 10

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today, I am covering the finishing touches of the physical side of my new prototyping assistant. Let’s get Started!

I left off with the glue mask drying on the ghost’s foot area. When I peeled off the tape from around the stuff I actually wanted to paint, I ended up pulling bits of the glue mask off along with it. I ended up spending the week touching up the glue and waiting to paint the foot.

The lower half of the Pi case finally did get painted, but at present, I am waiting to put a clear coat on the whole thing. Order of operation keeps getting in my way, though, as the upper half of the case needs some touch up paint from where I goofed on the original masking.

In other news, I went to that workshop again. I hooked up the camera to the Pi and had it look through the pinhole. I was expecting a blue haze around the picture’s outer rim, but somewhere in the process of painting, likely when I was first painting the blue pupil and I stuck a pin in it, I must have expanded the hole just enough so it doesn’t show.

To finish this week’s project (late) I just need the touchup finished with a paint brush, a light sanding to remove the strokes, and a clear coat to protect the paint. After that, the foot’s masking can come off and I can mount the Pi board and tape the camera in place. As the file I printed up is meant for a slightly different board, I will only be able to use two of the four screw holes that align at once. I’m slightly worried about too much torque on the Pi’s circuit board, but if I’m always careful, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Final Question: I’m slightly worried I won’t have enough to write about when I get around to programming the thing. Will you be up to more technobabble style posts when they come?

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