A New Tool Part 7


Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today, I have a short post because the printer did most of the work. Let’s get started.

The printer took a little over two days to print. It went all right, except one time when the PVC pipe extending the filament holder slowly slipped out. It made a loud sound and I was able to repair the accident before anything print-ending happened.

Cleanup was actually not as bad as I was expecting. As with the practice ring, the slot to accommodate the HDMI, power, and sound needed attention. But the custom eye slot was one of the cleanest to come out of the printer yet. It only had the single most tricky tag to remove of all. After I poked it with a razer blade for a while, my father used a candle to heat a blade to melt it off. I’m a little annoyed some soot ended up sticking, but the artifact I don’t understand is why a tiny hole on the side popped into existence even after a final test print to make sure such a thing wouldn’t happen.

As it stands, I will be painting the eyes at least. This will at least disguise the little hole, but it will also blend in with the camera in case I ever decide to use it as a hidden security camera. One thing I didn’t account for was the paint when making the camera hole. I hope it doesn’t come to it, but I likely will have to drill the hole a little bigger.

Whatever the case, this case was designed for a slightly different Pi. I’ll only be able to use two of the four screw holes, but that should be enough to hold the main board in place.

Final Question: Printing the case turned out to be a full length project. How long do you think I will need to perfect the software?

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