MineCraft Boat Race Port Part 6

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today, I am bringing you another part to the slowing saga of the boat race port. Let’s get started!

Well, I have all the features ready to hopefully impress anyone interested in seeing it. The two landmark objectives this week were getting the teleport commands just right, and getting the boats to spin as the level starts.

The spin was an interesting story. This project is sort of a semi-secret from the rest of the server, so when I need help, I ask how to get a related problem. In the case of the spinning boats entering the level, I asked about how to make a cow spin in a tornado. I adjusted the selector (more generally: stuff I understood) to ask about actually getting a cow [boat] to spin. I ended up coming up with and refining my own solution, which in turn was unsuitable for the spinning cow.

Overall, the project is as close to the original as it’s going to get, barring some changes to reduce unwanted behavior. From this point, I’m going to be introducing new elements, making the whole experience even better.

At this point, I just need to show it off for that blind reaction I mentioned last week. It may be a while, so I think I’m going to start another project next week. Besides, I could blog about half of all the little, uninteresting optimizations I keep doing, but I’d just get bogged down and things would forever get thinner.

This project has been good for me. I cannot recall all the lessons I’ve learned along the way, but one of the newer ones is a reminder not to stop looking for a solution just because you ask out for an answer.

Final Question: What lessons from long projects have you learned?

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