Hello World!

My site is now active. As I enter these first few words, I’d like my audience to know, setting up a blog is not easy. Sure, I could have gone an easier path, but for me, this isn’t just a robotics blog. I have a class in web languages that I will need to retake some time, and I wanted to view my site’s code and edit it.

I started with the idea about a month ago. I made my first, permanent progress almost to the hour and minute. All along, I was figuring I’d be posting by “next week,” until I completed the task at hand and the next part of the problem presented itself. Even now, I still have a lot to do in terms of web design.

Never underestimate the value of a good tech support team. I rejected at least a few services with live chat who barely passed the Turing Test solely by running out of prewritten messages and displaying a lack of English skills. One place even had a chime announcing an answer to your question. The previous two features combined provide an experience I would imagine a low end fortune machine would provide. While the same chat client with an annoying chime was used for HostGator, my host, the help was consistently productive and the chime was something to look forward to. The tech support for NameSilo, my DNS, was awesome and helped me learn the difference between a nameserver and DNS records. NEVER underestimate the value of a good tech support team.

I intend to make weekly text posts, and hope to make monthly video posts. Each week, I want to end with a question. As the site is still under construction and I don’t know how to set up a comments section yet, I ask anyone who is viewing this: What is the date you first came across this site?

Edit: Comments are open now.

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