Joystick Server Reinstall

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow8472, and today I am rebuilding Joystick, Button Mash’s twin Rocky Linux server. Let’s get started!

Project Goals

This is a revival of my photo scanning project, first and foremost. I need to get it working, and while I will afford myself some time to experiment with doing it right, it’s more important I get it done. Once I have it working better than Button Mash, I can move my production flag over to Joystick and remodel Button Mash “properly.”

And by “properly,” I mean rootless Podman access to a network attached storage. I have explored NFS (Network File System) extensively, but Podman does things with userspace that NFS doesn’t support. I may need to be open to an alternative or using root. SSHFS lays a file system over SSH, but


I did my usual stuff when installing Linux. I remembered ahead of time that Joystick doesn’t work with Ventoy, so I flashed a USB (Balena Etcher) large enough for the full 10 GB image I downloaded. I did a clean install over its previous Rocky Linux installation. I also adjusted Joystick’s boot order so Rocky 9.4 loads by default. The system is dual booted with Linux Mint, where I did an apt update/upgrade.

Booted to Rocky, I enabled Cockpit web interface for remote management, a feature I selected for installation with the system. I created a limited user for running Podman, enabled lingering on it, got Cockpit logged into it as a “remote host,” and disabled normal password interactions. I pulled Podman containers for Caddy, Nextcloud, MariaDB, Redis, BusyBox, and Vaultwarden, and gave each a directory with a and a mountpoint. I excluded Pi-Hole and Unbound from my planned lineup because those functions are now handled by our router and would have required messing with special ports.


NFS fought me hard though. It didn’t help that Cockpit’s terminal kept glitching out on me. I noticed this behavior on ButtonMash’s Cockpit as well. Rebooting and refreshing didn’t do anything, but I found a control by navigating my browser away and back. I eventually got to thinking about what other parts it might be, and I came up with a bad version of Firefox, or Wayland. I ran Firefox over SSH on a machine still running Xorg server; it was Wayland.

And at this point, my workstation had a record bad meltdown, which ate my remaining blog time. Be sure to read about it next week!


Projects get interrupted. Something comes up and grand plans wait in the background. I’m tired of server doing just that, but it’s happened again.

Final Question

My longest enemy remains: Rootless Podman vs. Network Storage. How do I do it? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below or on my Socials!

Study Month: Third Rocky Linux Server

Good Morning from my robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and this February is a study month where I am not sticking myself to hard, weekly goals – though I am aiming for a cluster by the end of the month. Let’s get started!

I downloaded Rocky Linux 9.3 minimal .ISO and flashed it to a USB stick – overwriting an old Rocky Linux 8 installation media. Normally I would use my Ventoy multiboot USB, but Ventoy froze while loading last week before it got to the .ISO selection screen.

The Rocky Linux installer is probably my favorite. It’s non-liniar, so I can go back and change things before finalization without fear of wiping my other settings. My target drive had Debian already installed, and another drive has Linux Mint, which I do not want to overwrite. I confirmed my target drive at least four ways before proceeding. The networking tab let me assign the static IP I want with no undue hassle. Here, I also assigned it the name of Joystick.

I’m keeping this installation as slim as possible to focus on learning clustering. Cockpit (web admin page) is a must-have, but I’m not even putting Podman on this new installation until I believe it is needed. The eventual plan is to keep ButtonMash on as home server until I have RedLaptop and Joystick cooperating in a cluster. Then I’ll move ButtonMash over to that cluster with the possible need to migrate to Rocky 9.x in the process. For this week though, the cluster software I’m researching, Red Hat Cluster Suite, is proving difficult to find the package name[s] for.

I also need to keep a radar for another major goal of this project: an open source image board. I need a tags system, a way to pair two scans to display the backs of some photos, and an album system wouldn’t be bad.

Rocky Server Stack Deep Dive: 2023 Part 4

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I am exploring fuse-overlayfs as a possible patch between Podman and NFS. Last week’s post was practically a freebee, but I expect this one to be a doozy if it’s even possible. Let’s get started!


For my homelab, I want to run Nextcloud in a rootless Podman 3.0.1 container with storage volumes on our NFS. For logistical reasons, Nextcloud needs to be on RedLaptop running Debian 11 (Linux kernel 5.10.0-26-amd64 x86_64). The NFS share I wish to share is mounted via systemd.

My most promising lead is from Podman Github maintainer rhatdan on October 28, 2023, where he made a comment about “fuse file system,” asking his colleague, @giuseppe, for thoughts to which there has been no reply as of the afternoon of November 10 [1]. I documented a number of major milestones there, which I’ll be covering here.

File System Overlays

Fuse file system turned out to be fuse-overlayfs, one of a few systems for fusing file systems. Basically: there are times when it’s useful to view two or more file systems at once. File system overlays can designate a lower file system and an upper file system. Any changes (file creation, deletion, movement, etc.) in this combined file system manifest in the upper file system, leaving the lower file system[s] alone.

Through a lot of trial and error, I set up a lower directory, an upper directory, a work directory, and a mountpoint. My upper directory and work directory had to be on the NFS, but I ran into an error about setting times. I double checked that there were no major problems related to Daylight Savings Time ending, but wasn’t able to clear the error. I sent out some extra help requests, but got no replies (Sunday, Nov. 12). A third of my search results are in Chinese, and the others are either not applicable or locked behind a paywall. Unless something changes, I’m stuck.


Github user eriksjolund got back to me with another idea: quadlets [1]. Using this project merged into Podman 4.4 and above, he demonstrated a Nextcloud/MariaDB/Redis/Nginx setup that saves all files as the underprivileged user running the containers. In theory, this sidesteps the NFS incompatibilities I’ve been experiencing all together.

The first drawback from my perspective is that I need to re-define all my containers as systemd services, which is something I’ve admittedly been meaning to do anyway. A second is again that this is a feature merged into Podman much later than what I’m working with. Unless I care to go digging through the Podman GitHub myself, I’m stuck with old code people will be reluctant to support.

Distro Hunt

Why am I even using Debian still? What is its core purpose? Stability. Debian’s philosophy is to provide proven software with few or no surprises left and the user polishes it to taste. As my own sysadmin, I can afford a little downtime. I don’t need the stability of a distro supporting the most diverse Linux family tree. Besides, this isn’t the first time community support has suggested features in the future of my installation’s code base. Promising solutions end in broken links. RAM is becoming a concern. Apt package manager has proven more needy than I’d care to babysit. If I am to be honest with myself, it’s time to start sunsetting Debian on this system and find something more up-to-date for RedLaptop. I’ll keep it around for now just in case.

My first choice was Fedora to get to know the RedHat family better. Fedora 39 CoreOS looked perfect for its focus on containers, but it looks like it will require a week or two to configure and might not agree with installing non-containerized software. Fedora 39 Server was more feature complete, but didn’t load up for my BIOS (as opposed to the new standard of UEFI); I later learned that new BIOS-based installations were dropped on or around Fedora 37.

I carefully considered other distributions with the aid of Debian/Ubuntu family repositories go up to 4.3. Alpine Linux lacks systemd. Souls Linux is for desktops. OpenSuse Tumbleweed comes with warnings about being prepared to compile kernel modules. Arch is… Arch.

Fresh Linux Installation

With time running out in the week, I decided to forgo sampling new distros and went with minimal Rocky 9. Installation went as best can be expected. I added/configured cockpit, podman, cockpit-podman, nfs-utils, and nano. I added a podmanuser account, set it up to allow-lingering, and downloaded the container images I plan on working with on this machine: PiHole, Unbound; Caddy; Nextcloud, Redis, MariaDB; busybox.


I write this section on Friday afternoon, and I doubt I have enough time remaining to properly learn Quadlets and rebuild my stack, so I’m going to cut it off here. From what I’ve gathered already, Quadlets mostly uses Systemd unit files, a format I’ve apparently worked with before, but also needs Kubernetes syntax to define pods. I don’t know a thing about using Kubernetes. If nothing else, perhaps this endeavor will prepare me for a larger project where larger scale container orchestration is needed.

Final Question

Do you know of a way I might have interfaced Podman 3 with NFS? Did I look in the wrong places for help (Debian forums, perhaps)?

I look forward to hearing from you on my Socials!

Work Cited

[1]. Shadow_8472, D. “rhdan” Walsh, E. Sjölund, “Rootless NFS Volume Permissions: What am I doing wrong with my Nextcloud/MaraiDB/Redis pod? #20519,”, Oct. 27, 2023-Nov. 10, 2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Nov. 12, 2023].