Linux Phone Milestone: Moving In

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I am moving into my PinePhone. Let’s get started!


After around four years of ownership, my PinePhone UBports Edition has PostmarketOS/Phosh and is working on a network. Now that the big solar storm is over, it actually gets signal.

Password Adjustment

Before I properly move into my phone, I have a couple more topics to explore first. One: I need a relatively short user password to unlock from sleep. At the same time, I also want to require a longer password for admin functions. Two: I set up Full Disk Encryption (FDE) while installing PostmarketOS, with testing in mind. I need something a bit less guessable.

The root password can be required in a number of ways from a special admin account to not having sudo. I tried the later, and dependencies insisted it stay. Online search results were frequently more into removing admin privileges entirely, but I did pick up on the history and intended context of sudo as being programmed to easily revoke root access when no longer needed – as well as log commands used so IT knows who did what and hopefully how to fix it. One detail of note was the wheel group (as in a car’s steering wheel). Early Unix required wheel to su (Substitute User) into root, but it’s not a universal standard.

Or I can configure sudo by editing /etc/sudoers. Using visudo is recommended to check syntax, but it dropped me into vi/vim, which I’m having none of. I installed nano, then tried/failed to set it as system default text editor. Otherwise, I might have tried a configuration where sudo just asks for the root password. Instead, I commented out the line giving users with the wheel group sudo privileges. (NOTE: While finalizing this post, I found this may break app stores. Next post about PinePhone, I will try requiring the root password instead.)

With sudo hobbled, I learned more about FDE. As it just so happens, PostmarketOS was built for it. I got the name LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) and a hint that the boot partition might need to be left unencrypted by the time a community member on the Pine64 community gave me the exact command to change my key:

$ sudo cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/mmcblk2p2 -S 0

In my case, I double checked the partition name before performing it with su instead of sudo.

Update on August 8, 2024: I disabled SSH password login, requiring key login instead.

Moving In

Confident I had secured it to my skill level, I did some more “normal” new phone/computer behaviors, such as finding the dark theme, using AM/PM, and adjusting automatic sleep times. My background image had to be moved over with scp (Secure CoPy) and it took a reboot before it showed up. I also moved my ringtone and notification sound over from my previous phone in the same way, installed them, and rebooted again. While it would have made things a little easier, I’m forgoing on NFS access until my homelab servers are moved away from common LAN subnet addresses.

Moving my old contacts list wasn’t too hard either, though I did get help from an automaton app on the Android side to export to .vcf format (Variant Call File). I then used an SD card to move them over. Phosh’s default contacts app by The GNOME Project accepted it no problem. The longest part was weeding out stale contacts going back to high school.

The luck ended with WayDroid. One goal for this phone is demoing Android apps in on Linux. Waydroid looks like the best option. I installed it no problem, but initialization took a few attempts when the 2 minute sleep kept corrupting a large download. From there, I tried installing an F-Droid client, but I got an error in-terminal about the WayDroid session stopping.


My Linux phone is not completely stable by any stretch of the imagination. It keeps crashing, the battery feels like a joke – and overall, the thing feels slow no matter what I do. But remember that I have an early prototype aimed at developers and enthusiasts. Pine64 has production models released, and they aren’t the only ones making phones to run Linux. I am just thankful they didn’t make the screen so big they had to mutilate it to accommodate the camera.

Final Question

Blunder! I just noticed the local app store hangs when trying to install… maybe? Probably because of my sudo configuration, but I will need more time with it as I build up a to-do list for another follow-up post. What all should that to-do list contain?

Milestone: First Linux Phone Call

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I am messing around with my prototype PinePhone to see if I can’t get it on the cell network for good. Let’s get started!

My Carrier History

Around four years ago, my family had to switch away from a cellular company that let its coverage degrade. We’d been with them since I was small, but for whatever reason, they opted to wait for new technology before replacing a destroyed tower. They lost us as customers over it. I had just gotten my PinePhone at the time. I had made one short call on it.

I made an honest effort to research network compatibility and thought I had made a match, but our then-new carrier turned out to be very closed-minded about allowed 3rd party devices. I poked at it for a while, learning a little bit each time, but progress was very slow.

In recent months, the family’s phones have been succumbing to planned obsolescence. I found a carrier for my area on the PinePhone’s compatibility chart, and we made the switch.

Linux Phone Basics

Unlike phones in the Apple/Android ecosystems, Linux phones run Linux. It won’t argue if you install –say– the full version of Firefox instead of one optimized for a mobile desktop environment. While using an app store is an option, the command line is available for those who wish for a challenge on a touch screen.

I am the proud owner of a PinePhone Ubports Edition, the second prototype phone produced by Pine64. It originally came with Ubuntu Touch installed, but the experience was kind of slow. This led me to look into lightweight options, and I flashed PostmarketOS/Plasma Mobile to an SD card to explore.

Recent Developments

I finally committed. While working on another project within the past month, I installed PostmarkedOS internally. My first mistake was trying to approach this installation as a normal Linux installer. Nope. It had me configure everything from the command line. My second mistake was installing a desktop grade version XFCE. While I still had access to a terminal, the sub-compact on-screen keyboard was a crutch at best, but I used it to 1. connect to Wi-Fi, 2. update and install Plasma Mobile, and 3. remove XFCE – all while trying to get it ready to test at the new carrier’s store the next day.

The next day came, and things worked out so I could be at the store. Good thing too, because I had previously disabled my modem by a dip switch under the back cover. I also noticed a bunch of apps missing from my minimal Plasma Mobile installation, and I kept mistaking some sort of configuration app for a browser. I made the connection later.

Ultimately Plasma Mobile kept crashing, so when I went back to my SD card, I did some more research and chose Phosh (Phone Shell), an even lighter weight desktop environment developed my Purism for their Librem 5 phones. So far, no memorable crashes, but I’ve not stress tested it yet.

Access Point Name

So, I put my new SIM card into my PinePhone running PostmarketOS/Phosh, and I got intermittent signal thanks in part to a combination of only using on 4G technology and solar activity strong enough to decorate night skies across the US in aurora borealis. The catch was an error manifesting as an orange square with a black exclamation mark.

While waiting for an afternoon to help out at the church office for the afternoon, I reached out to the Pine64 community on a whim. Shortly after, a helpful user there walked me through setting up the correct Access Point Name based on my carrier. Minutes later, I received an important incoming call, and the connection held up for minutes, unlike the seconds I would get out of Plasma Mobile (Thank you, Jesus for that timing!).


I am thankful to have a working phone again. I still have challenges ahead, like filching apps from the Play Store using Waydroid (or a similar compatibility layer) and having a simple unlock password while using a longer password for disk encryption and administrative tasks.

Final Question

Did you get a chance to see the northern lights this time around? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below or on my Socials!

I’m Incompatible Because Policy?!

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project of the week. Let’s get started!

I’ve been interested in having the basics of a smartphone again for a while now. I was planning on diving into Android Debug Bridge for this month’s large project, but my PinePhone showed up again after a couple years. For the unaware, the PinePhone is basically a Linux computer in the profile of a smartphone.

My PinePhone is the second edition released: it understandably has early adopter issues like slow load times and needing to about live on a charger when not in use. It came preloaded with Ubuntu Touch; while I could see myself using it (should it actually work), I’m not particularly impressed. I need text, call, and picture capabilities. It’s not able to do any of those right now.

I installed my current SIM card. Now, this SIM was sold locked to an LG Stylo 5 smartphone for the duration of the initial contract (now expired). My PinePhone sees the name of my provider, but anything involving data over the cellular network escapes me for the time being. I will need to contact my mobile service provider.

Aside from mobile data, something is off with my camera app. Pair that with my mediocre response to Ubuntu Touch, and now I want to try a different OS. I’m a fan of KDE, so I went to the Pine64 PinePhone OS index [1] and downloaded/flashed one marked KDE to a microSD card (one of my good ones; rest in peace abandoned project PiCore – I’ll do better next time). I totally missed that the image was a factory test, but at least I was able to verify that both my cameras work but cellular data is still a bust.

Take 2: postmarketOS is a mobile distribution with an option for Plasma Mobile. I was tossed between multiple websites before locating the actual download link. Dolphin file viewer calculates Shasums, flashing SD cards has almost become second nature at this point, and then it’s a matter of booting for the first time.

Plasma Mobile imitates Android about as well as KDE imitates Windows. It felt almost like coming home. Response time was improved, the camera worked, and the layout felt more familiar than not. The system time zone settings were a little harder to find. Overall, it offers a bit less stability than Ubuntu Touch, but the upsides more than make up for it.

I spent a day or so with tech support. Phones these days come with multiple locks and they can often be confused for each other. There is the lock that binds the phone to its original carrier. There is the lock screen to authenticate the user. There is also the lock binding the SIM to the phone body. My phone was locked, but the SIM must have noticed it was in a strange host and blown some sort of digital fuse. I can’t say I wasn’t warned.


I’m mad. My phone should be technologically compatible with their network. I have the skills to self-support my local hardware, but tech support won’t work with me on the equipment beyond my control. I’m hoping it’s the fuse hypothesis and that someone in-store can service the SIM without dumping me for the sake of the phone.

Final Question

What tech support disaster have you experienced or observed?

Works Cited

“PinePhone Software Releases,”, July 24, 2022. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Aug. 15, 2022].