Joystick Server Reinstall

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow8472, and today I am rebuilding Joystick, Button Mash’s twin Rocky Linux server. Let’s get started!

Project Goals

This is a revival of my photo scanning project, first and foremost. I need to get it working, and while I will afford myself some time to experiment with doing it right, it’s more important I get it done. Once I have it working better than Button Mash, I can move my production flag over to Joystick and remodel Button Mash “properly.”

And by “properly,” I mean rootless Podman access to a network attached storage. I have explored NFS (Network File System) extensively, but Podman does things with userspace that NFS doesn’t support. I may need to be open to an alternative or using root. SSHFS lays a file system over SSH, but


I did my usual stuff when installing Linux. I remembered ahead of time that Joystick doesn’t work with Ventoy, so I flashed a USB (Balena Etcher) large enough for the full 10 GB image I downloaded. I did a clean install over its previous Rocky Linux installation. I also adjusted Joystick’s boot order so Rocky 9.4 loads by default. The system is dual booted with Linux Mint, where I did an apt update/upgrade.

Booted to Rocky, I enabled Cockpit web interface for remote management, a feature I selected for installation with the system. I created a limited user for running Podman, enabled lingering on it, got Cockpit logged into it as a “remote host,” and disabled normal password interactions. I pulled Podman containers for Caddy, Nextcloud, MariaDB, Redis, BusyBox, and Vaultwarden, and gave each a directory with a and a mountpoint. I excluded Pi-Hole and Unbound from my planned lineup because those functions are now handled by our router and would have required messing with special ports.


NFS fought me hard though. It didn’t help that Cockpit’s terminal kept glitching out on me. I noticed this behavior on ButtonMash’s Cockpit as well. Rebooting and refreshing didn’t do anything, but I found a control by navigating my browser away and back. I eventually got to thinking about what other parts it might be, and I came up with a bad version of Firefox, or Wayland. I ran Firefox over SSH on a machine still running Xorg server; it was Wayland.

And at this point, my workstation had a record bad meltdown, which ate my remaining blog time. Be sure to read about it next week!


Projects get interrupted. Something comes up and grand plans wait in the background. I’m tired of server doing just that, but it’s happened again.

Final Question

My longest enemy remains: Rootless Podman vs. Network Storage. How do I do it? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below or on my Socials!

Podman-Nextcloud: Climb Shorter Mountains

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today it’s bully or be bullied as I take another swing at getting my Nextcloud instance even partially usable. Let’s get started!

If there’s one long term project of mine that just loves humiliating me, it’s getting Nextcloud operational. My eventual goal is to have it running in a rootless Podman container with a way to quickly move it to an auxiliary server. My strategy thus far has been to prepare three Podman volumes hosted on GoldenOakLibry (NAS) over NFS while accounting for the speed needs of the MariaDB and Nextcloud volumes with an SSD and vs the capacity needs of the PhotoTrunk volume with a RAID 5 array of HDD’s.

NAS: Network Attached Storage

NFS: Network File System

SSD: Solid State Drive

HDD: Hard Disk Drive

Lowering Expectations

I’ve lost count of how many times NFS has given me grief on this project, so I eliminated it. I moved the SSD from where it was on GoldenOakLibry to ButtonMash, my main server computer. I added it to /etc/fstab – bricking Rocky Linux. ButtonMash is dual booted, so I booted to Debian for repairs.

Rocky’s installation system uses an LVM2 format, which Debian can’t read by default. An LVM2 package exists, and I installed it. LVM2 partitions show up in lsblk as sub-partitions of an actual partition, and it is these sub-partitions that get mounted, for example:

sudo mount /dev/rl_buttonmash/root /mnt/temp

to mount the sub-partition that shows up as rl_buttonmash-root. While I did explore for a quick fix, it’s a very good thing when each side of a dual booted machine can repair the other. Mounting a file system is a very important tool in that kit.

Upon closer inspection, a contributing factor to bricking Rocky was the root account being locked. The computer booted into an emergency mode and got stuck in a loop ending with “Press ENTER to continue…” Unlocking it didn’t get me anywhere when I looked at the logs per the loop’s recommendation, but the command lsblk -f clued me in that I was mounting the drive using the wrong file system type, an error which was soon remedied after I discovered it.

Project Impossible

The move hardly seemed to fix anything as hoped. I didn’t solve much. I kept getting NFS related errors when trying to run the pod, even after moving to a new mountpoint I’d never touched with NFS automounts. I even tried mounting the volumes using hard links pointed at the mounted “data drive” and I still couldn’t get a working Nextcloud instance. Somewhere in my shambling among the apparently limited content available regarding this topic online, I found the following warning on Oracle’s Podman documentation:

Caution: When containers are run by users without root permissions, Podman lacks the necessary permissions to access network shares and mounted volumes. If you intend to run containers as a standard user, only configure directory locations on local file systems [1].

Rootless Podman lacks network share permissions. OK, so NFS out unless I can selectively give Podman network permission without going full root. Until then, Podman is limited to the local disk, and if I’m understanding this warning correctly, mounted drives are also off the table. My plans for a Photo Trunk upgrade may be grounded indefinitely, and with ButtonMash’s Rocky drive being only 60GB, I’m not looking to burden it with anything resembling bulk storage.


The next logical innovation would be to rebuild the project on a computer with more storage. Barring a full makeover of ButtonMash, I do have my Red Laptop as an auxiliary server. I made a new account, but in all reality, this inspiration came after my research cutoff. It’s a project for another week once again.

Final Question

My project directory is messy with scripts to the point where I started a README file. Have you ever had a project so involved as to need one?

I look forward to hearing about it in the comments below or on my Socials.

Work Cited

[1] Oracle, “Configuring Storage for Podman,”, [Online]. Available: [Accessed July 27, 2023].

Nextcloud Dangling in the Works

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, with a stubborn-project update. Let’s get started!

Nextcloud as a project comes with a lot of strings and hooks. Every time I sit down to work on it, the feature creep closes in: multiple volumes for speed and capacity, MariaDB container so SQLite doesn’t choke serving clients, a pod for MariaDB to live in alongside Nextcloud, Redis for RAM caching (Out of my scope, but worth a mention), Ansible Vault for password management (automation tool I’d need a month to learn), podman secrets, Philomena image board software – not to mention the volumes I learned about the other week! As noted in previously, the container I’m using from can take care of itself, but it will work a lot better with even a few of these things.

In my ideal configuration, all my containers’ persistent data lives on GoldenOakLibry so my old, red laptop can take over on critical Podman containers when ButtonMash is booted to Debian for photo scanning duty. The big, hanging question then is if GoldenOakLibry’s internal HDD’s absolutely need to spin up to serve shares hosted on NAS volumes mounted from an external SSD.

HDD: Hard Disk Drive
NAS: Network Attached Storage
SSD: Solid State Drive

My initial tests involved verifying that a drive could be mounted externally, then rebooting the NAS. I was expecting either a 1 or a 50 second wait, but instead I kept hitting “Stale file handle” errors when I tried mounting the external share. My second round of trials a week or two later exhausted search pages worth of results to learn how NFS shares change a few invisible details when restarted. Either something wasn’t ready when needed during boot, or my client just needs a while to refresh those details. It works in the long run, and external shares are not dependent on internal disk spinup. Time to move on.

Having solved the last known problem, I started layering the bits I had solved while frustrated with the USB share. I prepared three Podman volumes: two for Nextcloud prioritizing high-capacity and speed, respectively, and one for an SQL database. A pod housing MariaDB (the SQL database) and Nextcloud containers mounts these volumes (!). Podman secrets safely injects the database password so MariaDB and Nextcloud can work together – not strictly necessary for my application, but a good habit to get in in case I go in the direction of creating images from existing containers. Once the cloud is running, I want to try adding an image board to view the pictures.

(!) NFS –as it turns out– does not appreciate a number of the acrobatics rootless Podman performs with Namespaces. I don’t have the specifics memorized, but when Podman makes a container, the host’s user ID is mapped to root within that container. Podman then assigns variations of the host’s user ID to non-root users within the container as defined by a namespace. The NFS protocol wasn’t designed with namespaces in mind. To NFS, it looks like you’re trying to access another user’s files – possibly without permission. While this reportedly doesn’t stop rootless Podman from working well over NFS over normal circumstances, there are a bunch of search results talking about the snag when working with container images over NFS. Based off my experiences for this post, the same appears to hold true for volumes.


As much as I wanted this to be the last installment, this issue is a post in and of itself, and I’m getting burned out again over trying to come back to it. I’ll try coming back to this in around a month or so.

Final Question

Have you successfully used Podman volumes over NFS? Please, do tell me all about it in the comments below or on my Socials.

I Switched My Operations to Caddy Web Server

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today I am rebuilding my home server, Button Mash, from the operating system up. Let’s get started!

Caddy Over Nginx

I spent well over a month obsessing over Nginx, so why would I start over now? As far as I am concerned, Caddy is the piece of software for my use case. While I am sure Nginx is great at what it does, I keep slamming into its learning curve – especially with integrating Let’s Encrypt, a tool for automating SSL encryption (HTTPS/the green padlock). Caddy builds that functionality in while still doing everything I wanted Nginx for.

The official Caddy install instructions [1] for Fedora, Red Hat, and CentOS systems are as follows:

$ dnf install ‘dnf-command(copr)’
$ dnf copr enable @caddy/caddy
$ dnf install caddy

First of all, new command: copr. Background research time! COPR (Cool Other Package Repositories) is a Fedora project I feel comfortable comparing to the Arch User Repository (AUR) or Personal Package Archive (PPA): it lets users make their own software repositories.

Installation went smoothly. When I enabled the repository, I had to accept a GPG key that wasn’t mentioned in the instructions at all. From a user point of view, they appear to fill a similar purpose here to a SSH keys: special numbers use math to prove you are still you in case you get lost.

Caddy uses an HTML interface (a REST API – Don’t ask, I don’t understand myself) on the computer’s internal network known as loopback or localhost on port 2019. Caddy additionally serves everything over HTTPS by default. If it cannot convince Let’s Encrypt to give it a security certificate, it will sign one itself and tell the operating system to trust it. In other words, if I were not running ButtonMash headless (without a graphical interface), I’d be able to try connecting to localhost:2019 with a favorite browser, like at least one of the limited supply of Caddy tutorials did.

IP Range Transplant

I should have just done my experimentation on DerpyChips or something. Instead, I pressed on with trying to point a family-owned domain name at Button Mash. This side adventure sprouted into last week’s post. In short: ButtonMash’s static IP kept was in conflict with what my ISP-provided equipment kept trying to assign it, resulting in an estimated 50% downtime from a confused router. Upgrading to the next gateway may have allowed us to free up the IP range for the gaming router’s use, but it’s not out for our area yet. My father and I switched our network connections over to a “gaming router” we had laying about and enabled bridge mode on the gateway to supposedly disable its router part. I have my doubts about how it’s actually implemented.

Most of our computers gladly accepted the new IP range, but GoldenOakLibry and ButtonMash –having static IP’s– were holdouts. I temporarily reactivated a few lines of configuration on my laptop to set a static IP so I could talk with them directly and manually transfer them over to the new IP range, breaking NFS shares and Vaultwarden on them respectively.

In the confusion, ButtonMash lost its DNS settings; those were easy enough to fix by copying a config line to point those requests to the router. GoldenOakLibry took a bit longer to figure out because the NFS shares themselves had to accept traffic from the new IP range with settings buried deep within the web interface. Once that was sorted, I had to adjust the .mount files in or around /etc/systemd/system on several computers. Editing note: While trying to upload, I found I could not access GoldenOakLibry on at least a couple of my machines. Note 2: I had to change the DHCP settings to the new IP range on my Raspberry Pi reverse Wi-Fi router. Systemd on both goofed systems needed a “swift kick” to fix them.

sudo systemctl start <mount-path-with-hyphens>.mount

Repairs Incomplete

That left Vaultwarden. I was already in a it’s-broken:-fix-it-properly mentality from the modem/router spinoff project. I got as far as briefly forwarding the needed ports for an incompletely configured Caddy to respond with an error message before deciding I wanted to ensure Bitwarden was locked down tightly before exposing it to the Internet. That wasn’t happening without learning Caddy’s reverse proxy, as I put Vaultwarden exclusively onto a loopback port.

Speaking of loopback, I found the official Caddy tutorials lacking. They –like many others after them– never consider a pupil with a headless server. I have not yet figured out how to properly convince my other computers to trust Caddy’s self-signed certificates and open up the administration endpoint. That will come in another post. I did get it to serve stuff over HTTP by listing IP’s as http://<LAN address>, but Bitwarden/Vaultwarden won’t let me log in on plain HTTP, even over a trusted network and confine the annoying log to a file.

As far as I can tell, the administration API on port 2019 does not serve a normal web page. Despite my efforts, the most access I have gotten to it was for it to error out with “host not allowed.” I haven’t made total sense of it yet. I recognize some of the jargon being used, but its exact mechanics are beyond me for the time being.


Caddy is a powerful tool. The documentation is aesthetically presented and easy enough to understand if you aren’t skimming. But you will have a much better time teaching yourself when you aren’t trying to learn it over the network like I did.

Final Question

Do you know Caddy? I can tell I’m close, but I can’t know for sure if I’m there in terms of the HTTP API and just don’t recognize it yet. I look forward hearing from you in the comments below or on my Discord server.

Works Cited

[1] “Install,” Caddy Documentation. [Online], Available: [Accessed: June 6, 2022].

Stabilizing Derpy Chips at Last

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today, I’m addressing an annoying trio of issues I’ve had with Derpy Chips since I installed PopOS on it. Let’s get started!

The Problems

I have a number for gripes to myself about Derpy. I frequently have to stare at an ugly, gray login screen for to a minute and a half before I can select a user account. Tabs sometimes crash in FireFox, but only while I’m using it. Discord sometimes blinks, and I lose any posts in progress – possibly representing minutes of work.

Additionally, my mother uses a separate account to play Among Us on Derpy, and I have my account set up with a left-handed mouse she can’t use easily. Unfortunately, Derpy tends to crash whenever I try switching users, so I’ve been using a full power cycle. And that means we need another long, featureless login screen before the actual login. Some day, I really want to figure out how to change a login screen. Aside from how long this one takes, I’d much rather use the KDE one over GNOME 3.

The Plan

Of the three issues I’m setting out to address, long login is the most reproducible. Fickle FireFox and Ditzy Discord happen often enough to make Derpy frustrating to use as a daily driver, but sporadically enough to resist debugging on-demand. So I am planning on spending up to the full week on Derpy ready to catch the errors when they happen.

Going off what I have to start with, I’m assuming my FireFox and Discord issues are related. Both use the Internet for their every function, and the glitching tends to happen at times when a packet is logically being received: for FireFox, when a page is either loading or reloading, and Discord when someone is typing or has sent a post. If I had to hazard a guess, I would have to say Lengthy Login is directly caused by my NFS being mounted in /etc/fstab, and I’m not sure if there’s anything to be done about it except working the surrounding issues.

For this week, I an reaching out to the the Engineer Man Discord and a Mattermost community I found for PopOS. I don’t know much about the latter, but I heard the PopOS dev team frequents that forum.

The Research

I started by posting about my issues. Help was super-slow, and I often got buried. I don’t remember any self research making any sense. Anyone helping me in the PopOS support chat seemed obsessed with getting me to address Blank Login first, even though it was the least annoying of my three chosen issues, if only other stuff didn’t bug out on me.

Someone gave me a journalctl command to check my logs, and I did so shortly after a target glitch. It came back with a segfault error of some kind. I added this to my help thread and humored them about disabling my NFS fstab lines.

RAM or Motherboard?

When researching further for myself, I came across a number of topics I didn’t understand. I didn’t make any progress until someone told me to try memtest86+. What a headache! I installed the package, but had to dip into GRUB settings so I could boot into the tool. Even then, it kept crashing whenever I tried to run it with more than one stick of RAM at a time, as in the whole thing froze within 8 seconds save for a blinking + sign as part of the title card.

I was hoping at this point it was just a matter of reseating RAM. Best case: something was in there and just needed to be cleaned off. Worst case: a slot on the motherboard might have gone bad, meaning repair might be one of tedious, expensive, or impossible.

I tried finding the manual of Derpy’s motherboard, but the closest was the one for my personal motherboard, a similar model. Both come with 4 slots of RAM: two blue, two black. I used the first blue slot to make sure each stick of RAM passed one minute of testing, followed by a full pass of testing, which typically took between 20 and 30 minutes. I wasn’t careful with keeping my RAM modules straight, in part because I helped clean my church while leaving a test running.

I identified the fourth stick from a previously tested one I’d mixed it up with by how it lit up the error counter, starting just past one minute in. I tried reseating it several times, with similar results: the same few bits would sometimes fail when either reading of writing. If I had more time, I would have a program note the failing addresses and see if they were the same each pass as they kept adding up.

Further testing on the motherboard involved putting a good stick of RAM into each slot. Three worked, but one of the black slots refused to boot, as did filling the other three slots. I landed with leaving one blue slot empty for a total of 12 out of 16 gigs of RAM.

NFS Automount with Systemd

I still want relatively easy access to the NAS from a cold boot. “Hard mount in fstab has quite a few downsides…” cocopop of the PopOS help thread advised me. Using the right options helps, but ‘autofs’ was preferred historically and systemd now has a feature called automounts. I thought I might as well give the latter a try. cocopop also linked a blog post On-Demand NFS and Samba Connections in Linux with Systemd Automount.

I won’t go into the details here, but I highly recommend the above linked blog. It didn’t make sense at first, but after leaving it for a day, my earlier experiences with fstab translated to this new method within the span of about an hour total. I missed an instruction where I was supposed to enable automounting once configured, but it felt almost trivial.


I haven’t had any problems with Discord or FireFox since setting the defective RAM aside in the anti-static bag it came in. As a bonus, switching users works correctly now as well.

NFS mounting is now much more streamlined with systemd. While I cannot say which method would have been more challenging to learn first, the tutorial I was following made this new method feel way more intuitive, even if file locations were less obvious. I didn’t even need any funny business with escape characters or special codes denoting a space in a file share name.


It really should go without mention that people will only help each other with what they know. I find myself answering rookie questions all the time when I’m after help with a more difficult one. Working side by side this week on a future topic, I had such a hard question, people kept coming in with easier questions, and I ended up asking mine enough times someone commented about the cyclic experience. The same thing kept happening with the easy part of my question about login.

Final Question

Do you ever find yourself asking a multi-part question, only to have everyone helping you with just the easiest parts you’ve almost figured out?