Responsibility of the Network

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today I have a doozy of a network week to cover. Let’s get started!

Meet the Computers

  • Cerberus – the main star today. It is our new hardware firewall running OPNsense
  • Red Router – a tp-link gaming Wi-Fi router fancied up beyond what it should have been
  • LAB – my homelab with a few servers
  • LAN – everything else connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet

Network Implosion

It all started with revisiting a .lan domain. Cerberus’ extensive webUI left me with the hunch I’d need one machine in charge of DHCP assigning dynamic IP addresses. Red Router’s “operation mode” to work as an access point was hidden in literally the last menu to click through.

It was afternoon and no one would be using the network for the 30 seconds to 5 minutes I estimated switching the LAB and LAN Ethernet cables from Red Router over to Cerberus would take. Nope. No traffic made it through. DHCP mis-configuration? Cue a slow back and forth, bopping a setting from a workstation and trying a different physical configuration. Eventually, Cerberus ended up on my desk with Red Router talking directly to our ISP’s gateway/modem.

Order of events is a bit fuzzy from here, but when the Wi-Fi stopped working, I was without a good access to online answers. I worked the problem into the night. Around 1:00 AM, I knew I had done too much for a clean reversion. For two hours, I worked in loops hoping to spot something different. So much waiting! Cerberus would behave on my desk, then fail when redeployed. Worse: when I re-connected all the wires to Red Router, it started dancing between and every 45 seconds or so. I configured its IP manually, but gave up on Internet by morning at 3:00 AM, preparing to concede to my father’s suggestion earlier about hiring a professional to untangle my mess.

The Next Day

Newtork Loop. In my brain fog, I had Red Router talking to itself on a cable leftover from removing Cerberus for the night. With the house to myself for several hours, I alternated between bursts of intense diagnostics and mental processing. Somewhere in there, I rebooted the ISP’s modem.

Around noon, I realized the extra ports on Cerberus aren’t a switch as is Red Router’s default configuration, but were following firewall rules – which explained its behavior the previous day when I tried a computer from LAB without anything in-between. At around 3 PM, I got a Discord notification while mentally checked out, letting me know the network was back on.

6 PM on the second day: I situated my workstation in Cerberus’ LAN port and a Raspberry Pi in one I named LAN2. I’d previously copied firewall rules from LAN to LAN2 and LAB, but to no obvious effect – until I had the two computers ping each other. LAN2 failed as expected, but LAN’s ping was returned. I corrected the interfaces’ rules to allow them to reach out, and that was it.


Without going into too much detail, a subnet shift like this is a major undertaking for networks with static IP servers on them. Not only do the network and computers need to be adjusted, but all traces of the old subnet need to be corrected. NFS clients needed to be told where the server was now, and the NFS server shares needed to be updated about what IP’s were allowed to mount them. I also still have Bitwarden to clients to update at my leisure.


OPNsense is a heavy weight in terms of configuration options. It has a learning curve compared to products simple enough to for Grandma and Grandpa to use. I may have solved my own emergency, but it may be wise to get someone looking at it professionally anyway to grade my work and give me some pointers on rootless Podman mounting NFS shares, or other long-term places where I’ve gotten stuck.

Final Question

I admit: networking is more fun than I gave it credit for before I knew basically anything. I still find it a bit taxing to mentally reach around my mental map, but I manage. How do you visualize networks?

Unboxing: Hardware Firewall (Protectli Vault)

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I have on my desk between my keyboard and monitors a new Protectli Vault running OPNsense. Let’s get started.

After at least a couple years tentatively researching hardware firewalls, it’s here. Let me tell you: it’s both a relief and a bit of pressure. I’m glad I’m no longer starting from scratch over and over again, but now I feel time pressure to deploy it despite my parents’ assurance that it’s much better to go at a responsible pace. And unless you’re a full time network specialist, that pace is longer than a week.

My Current Network and Its Weaknesses

At present, my home network starts with a box owned and controlled by my service provider. This gateway feeds into a gaming router before going out to a couple switches and Wi-Fi. One of my desktops has OpenWRT on a Raspberry Pi 4. ButtonMash, my home server, runs Podman containers for Vaultwarden (Password vault storage) and PiHole (DNS ad blocking). We have a Network Attached Storage by the hostname of GoldenOakLibry. Everything minus a couple workstations has battery backup in case the lights go out.

And when the lights do go out, the first big flaw comes out. While the network closet may last several hours, Power-hungry ButtonMash and GoldenOakLibry chew through their shared battery in around half an hour before I added ButtonMash’s twin, Joystick, as a development platform. When ButtonMash goes down, the network loses DNS so we can’t resolve URL’s.

Additionally, I’d like to move to a non-default set of internal IP addresses, like 10.59.102.X instead of 10.0.0.X or 192.168.0.X. While computers getting automatic IP’s over DHCP will essentially take care of themselves, I have invested quite a bit of time into static IP’s on NFS (Network File System), and when I move GoldenOakLibry’s IP, I’ll need to adjust the automounts for all systems accessing it, and that’s just a pain. I want to learn how a home domain works.

I also have a number of network-related projects I’ve done research for, but burned out on before solving. From memory, here’s a checklist of partial/incomplete/need-to-redo projects:

  • Feline Observation Pi (First prototype tested, needs overhaul)
  • Website for family photo archive (Needs hardware firewall, rootless Podman/NFS, booru/wiki)
  • Nextcloud (Early prototype successful, needs rootless Podman/NFS before production)
  • Beowulf cluster (Early research)
  • Rootless Podman/NFS (Heard from a developer and solution may not exist [yet])
  • UPS battery monitoring/shutdown before power failure (Research phase)
  • Caddy (First prototype in production, needs overhaul)
  • Unbound (Incomplete prototype)
  • Reverse VPN [mobile traffic] (Need Hardware Firewall)
  • Podman systemctl –user (In production, but I cannot reproduce at will)
  • Domain/Domain Controller (Background research incomplete)

Keep in mind that the notes on each item suggesting a direction are just the direction I’m leaning in at the moment without reflecting the new hardware. Replacing GoldenOakLibry with a server beefy enough to handle running Podman would solve my current need for rootless Podman/NFS. I may find a replacement for Caddy that also works as a Domain Controller. Does Caddy even do that? Let me check… Inconclusive; probably not. I don’t know enough about what to look for in a Domain Controller besides the name. Most of my time focused on researching Demilitarized Zones.

Demilitarized Zone and Roadmapping

Originally, I had a goal of deploying this new firewall/router configured with a demilitarized zone network structure. With hardware in hand, I learned a lot! But as I learned, I realized I needed to learn that much more to do the job right. A DMZ is basically a low security area of your network for serving stuff over an untrusted network (usually the wide open Internet) while protecting your Local Area Network. Ideally your LAN would have a separate physical router in case the one servicing the DMZ is ever compromised, but a homelab environment should be a small enough target that branching off from a single hardened router should be fine. My trouble is that I can’t fully tell where to put what.

I already know I want to move PiHole, Unbound, and similar projects related to internet traffic, and other projects I want lasting a bit longer into power outages onto the new router. OPNsense is a distribution of BSD and not Linux, so I expect I will need to look into a Linux Virtual Machine if BSD-based containers aren’t available. The gaming router I’m using now will still be our Wi-Fi access point, but I’d prefer to retire it from DHCP duty.

ButtonMash and Joystick are my enigma. I had plans of clustering them, but I may need one in the DMZ and one on the LAN. GoldenOakLibry belongs on the LAN so far as I can tell – as do all workstations.


There will be more thought to give it another week. I went ahead and hooked it up in place, but it didn’t work despite how I had previously had it working between my upstairs workstation and its rPi router. I’ve reverted the setup to how it was before, and I’ll need to take a closer look and do some further testing.

Final Question

What was the last piece of tech you unboxed?