KDE Wayland: My Second Impressions

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project for the week. Let’s get started!

Riding the bleeding edge with EndeavourOS, my upgrade from KDE 5 to 6 when the default implementation was moved from Xorg to Wayland. The deal breaker for me was Discord not displaying messages properly as I type. I retreated to KDE 6 Xorg.

That was almost a couple months ago. Xorg has worked since then, but it was a little love starved having to share developer time with KDE Wayland. But I understand; there are only so many developers, and their main focus is getting Wayland working. On an update/reboot cycle, I decided to check out their progress. I have to say it’s not bad. The bug from earlier is resolved, at least.

Not all my settings transferred over. In particular, my mouse pointer got stuck when crossing a boundary on my multi-screen display. This setting was found in System Settings/Mouse & Touchpad/Screen Edges/Edge barrier. I set it to 0 pixels, disabling the feature.

OBS (Open Broadcast Software) had trouble seeing the screen due to windows in Wayland not being able to see outside themselves. It now needs some kind of screen caster that shows up in my system tray.

The obvious difference I can’t help is spotty performance from my taskbar window previews. Oftentimes, they don’t even load when I mouseover them. Other than that, there are new interface sounds I’ve already been living with, but haven’t found the way to turn them off.


Technology marches on. Legacy software becomes obsolete. There are bumps along the way, but the KDE Wayland’s are smoothed enough that I can jump over now. In another couple months, I expect the experience will be virtually unnoticeable.

Final Question

Have you ever rode the bleeding edge and had to come back later? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below or on my Socials!

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