Can Linux See a GameCube Controller?

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project for the week. Let’s get started!

I’ve had a Nintendo GameCube controller on my desk ever since I got a USB adapter some months ago. I poke at it every so often, trying to confirm it working in Linux, but in late June of this year, things came together.

Computer: Derpy Chips
Distribution: PopOS 22.04
Desktop Environment: KDE Plasma 5.24.7 (Qt 5.15.3)
Product: DragonRise Inc. Controller Adapter

In my research, I read about this product working with Dolphin Emulator on Linux, if not elsewhere. Dolphin sounded like a good first stop, and one day I sat down with enough patience to compile it. It needed a few tries before I read a guide on Dolphin’s GitHub explaining how the project has dropped qt5 support [1]. However, my qt version can use backports.

I installed my compiled Dolphin package. Now for a ROM. Commercial games are illegal to download, but I can either dump my own games (not in my skill set yet) or find a homebrew game. GameCube only has one such title I found worth mentioning: Toy Wars. It’s not even an exclusive – probably because it’s basically a baby Wii/Wii U on the inside.

Long story short: Toy Wars gave me a black screen. I happen to know the Wii has tons of Homebrew, so I found another guide [2] that walked me through performing a system update, netting me the Wii menu, the Homebrew channel, and then a content browser layered on top of that. While significantly hampered navigating this browser using the emulated Wii remote, I found and downloaded a free homebrew game about dogging space junk.

And still nothing from the GameCube controller. It showed up with the command “lsusb,” but Dolphin’s configuration options said it didn’t have permission. There was the missing link. By default, Linux is a lot more locked down to strange USB peripherals than Windows. I had to make a file under “/etc/udev/rules.d” describing my controller adapter and granting these missing permissions.

$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/51-gcadapter.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0337", MODE="0666"

The 51 in the name has to do with what order this and similar rules overwrite each other. There are a ton of possible parameters for the file contents, but idVender and idProduct can be found with the “lsusb” command where it says ID vvvv:pppp. Mode is the same as file permissions ([user, group, everybody]x[read*4+write*2+execute*1]).


From further observation, I concluded these changes let Dolphin reach out to find the state of my controller[s]; no events are triggered in Xorg, as happen for the mouse and keyboard. Long term, I have a gag goal of writing a custom driver so I can use my GameCube controller however I like, but I didn’t get that this go-around. Oh well.

Final Question

I couldn’t find out what the leading 0 is supposed to represent. If you know, I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below or on my Socials!

Works Cited

[1] Dolphin Emulator, “Building for Linux,”, May 31, 2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: June 25, 2024].

[2] Nintendo Homebrew, “Installing Homebrew Channel on Dolphin Emulator,” 2024. [Online] Available: [Accessed: June 25, 2024].

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