Study Month: Week Four

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a small update on what I learned this week. Let’s get started!

Not much progress happened this week. I won’t be clustering this month, but I did study the High Availability Add-On. It has a package name in there called Pacemaker, but I don’t know if it’s independent or a common library or what. Furthermore: I don’t know if a high availability cluster is right for me or not. I circled back around to Beowulf clusters after over a year of stuggle, but couldn’t conclusively tell if Red Hat’s implementation is one or not. Best I can figure is that you Beowulf once you have your task working on the first node and need to expand.

With that said, I did have some trouble along the way. Joystick, my new Rocky Linux 9 installation won’t boot – the computer keeps going to Mint no matter what I say in the BIOS. I tried running update-grub on Mint, but that just tidied away Debian with no new Rocky option. I vaguely remember something like this happening before, but I could be misapplying a memory. I want to try a GRUB disk; if that doesn’t solve it, I may need to reinstall. I still have the USB stick.

On a tangentially related note, I checked in on ButtonMash when Joystick didn’t boot and found it unupdated. It also thought it was July, 2018 and that everyone’s SSL encryption certificates were bad until I’d completely fixed the time. I suspect the motherboard’s system clock battery may be experiencing issues.

In conclusion for this month, I’ve been burned out. It’s been nice not having the near-constant stress of finishing a project or taking a walk of shame to split it off into [yet] another week, but at the same time, I didn’t get much done at all.

I still have a goal of combining multiple computers into a single, more powerful one behind a unified Cockpit experience. If I think about it though, I might be after some sort of Podman clustering technique, and I’ll still be no better off at getting Podman working over NFS than when I started!

Study Month: Third Rocky Linux Server

Good Morning from my robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and this February is a study month where I am not sticking myself to hard, weekly goals – though I am aiming for a cluster by the end of the month. Let’s get started!

I downloaded Rocky Linux 9.3 minimal .ISO and flashed it to a USB stick – overwriting an old Rocky Linux 8 installation media. Normally I would use my Ventoy multiboot USB, but Ventoy froze while loading last week before it got to the .ISO selection screen.

The Rocky Linux installer is probably my favorite. It’s non-liniar, so I can go back and change things before finalization without fear of wiping my other settings. My target drive had Debian already installed, and another drive has Linux Mint, which I do not want to overwrite. I confirmed my target drive at least four ways before proceeding. The networking tab let me assign the static IP I want with no undue hassle. Here, I also assigned it the name of Joystick.

I’m keeping this installation as slim as possible to focus on learning clustering. Cockpit (web admin page) is a must-have, but I’m not even putting Podman on this new installation until I believe it is needed. The eventual plan is to keep ButtonMash on as home server until I have RedLaptop and Joystick cooperating in a cluster. Then I’ll move ButtonMash over to that cluster with the possible need to migrate to Rocky 9.x in the process. For this week though, the cluster software I’m researching, Red Hat Cluster Suite, is proving difficult to find the package name[s] for.

I also need to keep a radar for another major goal of this project: an open source image board. I need a tags system, a way to pair two scans to display the backs of some photos, and an album system wouldn’t be bad.

Server Month: Data Preservation Ceremony

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today is part 2 of server month. Let’s get started!

Per my original draft of last week’s blog (before I suffered a power outage), I’m dedicating this February to testing the idea of study posts. Goal-oriented posts make for a satisfying story, but I often exhaust myself trying to reach big milestones and stress out when I manufacture victories. This month, while I would like to safely overhaul my server setup, I’m going to do my best to have no goalposts aside from writing between three hundred and a thousand words. We’ll see how long that lasts.

When I first ButtonMash (my current home server) used, I also bought one of its twins for my father. His new system is stable now, and so he has relinquished control of the old system. At the point of handover, it was dual booted with Linux Mint and Debian – with Debian being the less used. With this in mind, I’m planning on overwriting the Debian drive and keeping Mint around just in case.

As a part of the ritual before wiping a drive, I examined it for data we might want to keep. I spotted some images from a high quality set of Bible pictures my church has the rights to use, but our local copy is stuck on an external hard disk that fell and doesn’t work anymore. In total, I figure I’ve salvaged around 50 to 56 distinct photos of a much larger set. I locked onto the pattern of five digits and a .jpg extension, which came in handy when searching for additional survivors. Most of them were in a directory titled trash. I moved everything I could find (duplicates included) to an external USB stick from both Linux installations and on over to GoldenOakLibry for safekeeping.

However, when I went to install Rocky 9, my Ventoy USB froze while bringing up its menu – both when attempting legacy and UEFI boot.

Server Rebrainstorming

Good MMorning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I am rebrainstorming how I approach my home server. let’s get started!

Disclaimer : as I write this on Sunday evening, I’m in a power outage, and I only have 44 minutes of DNS service on ButtonMash’s UPS. GoldenOakLibry is shut down, my progress is hung up on DerpyChips without a UPS, and I’m writing as fast as I can on my tablet, which is not cooperating well.

Over this blog, my one elusive goal has been rootless Podman with mounted NFS file storage. NFS doesn’t understand namespaces, a trick Podman uses to keep containers separate from each other, but still belonging to the host’s user. This project has proven resistant to my weekly goal oriented format, so I want to spend this month just writing about my studies. No Takeaways, no Final Questions. If I get something done, awesome. If not, oh well. On weeks without power outages, I want to still aim for 300 to 1,000 words.


These two protocols may be useful as an alternative to NFS, but use encryption needlessly if employed over a local network. That said, you can use a weak algorithm for old CPU’s. From memory, these protocols extend SSH with a hidden file, and require no special client.

Red Hat Cluster Suite

I eventually want to have multiple servers I can manageas one bigger one. This angle will only work if I can squeeze a node on GoldenOakLibry to access the file system directly.