Rocky Server Stack Deep Dive: 2023 Part 5

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 and today I am learning more about Podman Quadlets for my homelab. Let’s get started!

Systemd and Quadlets

From my incomplete research going into this topic, I already know Quadlets is a system for efficiently integrating Podman containers in with Systemd. It was merged into Podman v4.4, and I had a small pain of a time trying to find a distribution with both that and legacy BIOS support along with a list of other requirements.

But what is Systemd? In short: Systemd is the init process –a process that manages other processes– used by most Linux distributions that aren’t trying to optimize for a low RAM or storage footprint. As it turns out, I’ve already had minimal exposure to it while writing unit files for NFS [auto]mounts and a static IP address on Debian. Systemd in turn bases units off these unit files to manage the operating system.

While Systemd unit files defining Podman containers can be written by hand, Quadlets can automate their creation based off simpler unit files of its own: .container, .network, .volume, and .kube. The first three look similar enough to concepts I’m familiar enough with that I figure I could hack an example into doing what I need.

But I’m interested in pods. With .pod unit files only a controversial feature request at best, that leaves me to explore .kube files, which run Kubernetes YAML files. I know nothing about writing Kubernetes YAML files from scratch, and I refuse to cram for them Thanksgiving week.

My project died here for a few hours. One Systemd tutorial brought up Syncthing in an example, and I spent a while on a tangent looking at that, but it too is too large to cram for this week. I unenthusiastically browsed back to Kubernetes, and found:

podman generate kube

Looks like I just might get away with adapting my scripts after all this week. With this in mind, I copied over my files from my laptop’s Debian drive to its new-last-week Rocky 9 installation. Focusing on Nextcloud, I cleared out my dead-end work with Fuse, abstracted volumes, and other junk before realizing BusyBox was likely a more suitable testing grounds.

My First Kuberneties File

I came up with the following bash script for such a pod:

podman pod stop busyBoxPod
podman pod rm busyBoxPod
podman pod create busyBoxPod
podman create \
--pod busyBoxPod \
--name BusyBox \
--volume fastvolume:/root/disk \
-it \
--rm \

And here is

# Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import
# it into Kubernetes.
# Created with podman-4.6.1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: "2023-11-23T01:29:45Z"
    app: busyBoxPod
  name: busyBoxPod
  - image:
    name: BusyBox
    stdin: true
    tty: true
    - mountPath: /root/disk
      name: fastvolume-pvc
  - name: fastvolume-pvc
      claimName: fastvolume

I saved this output as busyBoxPod.yml and returned to Nextcloud.

Nextcloud put up a small tantrum getting re-updated for Podman 4.6.1. I had to look up how to Podman Secrets, and apply :z to volumes to satisfy SELinux. Redis however, refused to accept a password from Podman Secrets, so I rolled back that change. The pod should insulate it anyway. I got it to a point where it needed a domain name.

Branching out to bring up Pi-Hole and Caddy, I learned how the default Unbound configuration for the container I used only forwards DNS requests to Cloudflare. I’ll want to fix this later. I used firewall-cmd to forward ports for HTTP, HTTPS, and DNS to underprivileged ports for rootless containers.


UNCLE! I find more and more of my time supposedly working on server is procrastinating and stressing over either minutia or blankly staring at my screens when I muster enough focus to ignore distractions. There’s no way around it; I’m officially burned out on this project. I’ll maybe come back to it after the new year. I really wanted to get my .kube files working for at least Pi-Hole and Caddy, but it’s going to be a hard pass at the moment.

Final Question

I’m considering covering a free/open source game or few over December. What are your recommendations?

I look forward to hearing from you on my Socials!

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