I Glitched Cockpit and Discovered Multi-user Login

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472 with a side project for the week. Let’s get started!

My mother needed an extra browser, so I installed Firefox hardened it a little. I took the liberty of adding the Bitwarden plugin, encouraging her to make an account on my self-hosted instance. Remembering my failure so far to diagnose the “Network Error” blocking log in, I spared the time to learn how new Bitwarden clients are slightly incompatible with old Vaultwarden servers.

I easily could have updated Vaultwarden with maybe a note on the blog Discord. Instead, I felt like adding VaultwardenUsr@localhost to Cockpit with “Add new host.” This stunt worked at the cost of forwarding shadow8472@ButtonMash to VaultwardenUsr@ButtonMash when to logging in. Relogging didn’t help, and the hosts list saw VaultwardenUsr as the primary login – disallowing me from removing it, and as a remote login – blocking my attempts to add my real primary account back in with the same stunt.

While exploring this bug, I logged into my old laptop server and linked its Cockpit back into ButtonMash without getting forwarded to VaultwardenUsr. At this point, I submitted a bug report to Cockpit’s GitHub. I soon found the malformed host list at /etc/cockpit/machines.d/99-webui.json. I backed it up, purged the malformed entry, and updated GitHub with my workaround.

Out of curiosity, I added VaultwardenUsr@192.168.0.— as an alternate host. This sends packets for an extra detour, but it works as required. Only after all this did I update my Vaultwarden image from Docker Hub and deploy a new container from it using the same command as the last two successful times.

Note: While working on next week’s project, I logged into VaultwardenUsr@ and other loopback IP’s with no problems. It’s just name@localhost that causes problems.


1 day for the win! My push for PiHole and supporting network projects has been intense lately, so it’s great to have a smaller project where I still learn while by doing something important.

Final Question

Have you ever misused a software feature successfully? What challenges did you face before getting it to work how you had in mind?

look forward hearing your answers on in the comments below or on my Socials.

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