Alternative 3D Slicing Arrangements

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today, it’s been a busy week. Derpy needed work, but I still wanted to 3D print. Let’s get started!

New Computer Screen

A couple weeks ago, Derpy’s monitor failed. I pulled the graphics card and brought in a cathode-ray tube based monitor from the garage. Integrated graphics aren’t good enough for slicing 3D prints though.

Between bugging out from construction noise next door this week and taking evenings off to recover, a good chunk into the week passed before I made a move to switch back. My father and I took the opportunity for a deep dusting. With the graphics card physically removed, it wasn’t much more hassle to remove the outer cover… The radiator decoupled from the GPU chip in the heart of the graphics card, and we had couldn’t find any thermal paste to put it back together properly.

With some electrically non-conductive paste on order, I felt my desk was overdue for a cleaning, Special thanks to my whole family for helping out in some capacity or another. I sorted the stuff into Keep, Trash, and ??????!. Keep stayed with the desk, Trash got sorted for disposal, and the rest tagged for dispersal according to where it belonged. My father and I further took the opportunity to remove my monitor shelf, dust the desktop thoroughly, and polish it.

I also addressed the cable management situation. With no electronics at Derpy’s workstation, I was free to swap out the power strip for something with a bit longer of a cord (I swiped it from the 3D printer, which had plenty of cord). As I re-assembled my desk, I was sure to tuck my cables at least somewhat out of sight.

A Light Mode Program on a Dark Mode Theme

This section on down to the side project started off as the combined 3D printing corner/side project sections before it grew to half the post at one point.

With Derpy down for service this week, I couldn’t 3D print. Instead, I explored the option of using PrusaSlic3r on my Manjaro workstation.

My graphical package manager presented me with three versions: an out of date version lacking features I’m after from official repositories, an AUR (Arch User Repository) beta version from git, and one AUR entry with a good version number but included GTK-2 in the name. I chose the GTK-2 one, and it appeared to work perfectly, save for that it defaulting to light mode.

There was no dark mode override in the options. The documentation said Linux versions of Slic3r hook into the global theme, which I most definitely have set to dark. No matter how much I played KDE’s themes in System Settings, Slic3r refused to play nicely. I tried switching to the AUR version labeled git, but it didn’t even compile (two attempts).

Assistance With Diagnostics

During research, I came across some discouraging bits about themes not always working on bleeding edge systems. I was about to give up when I brought this matter up on Engineer Man’s Discord server.

Server regular localhost took notice and suggested I install lxappearance, a theme manager designed with the LXDE desktop environment in mind. It too popped up running light mode, but was exposing its own theme selector on the Widget tab. Hitting Apply didn’t have any apparent system-wide effects until I restarted the graphical package manager into my chosen dark theme.

I rebuilt the GTK-2 version of Slic3r, and it greeted me with dark mode. During the 70 minute wait though, I researched the why of the situation. I pinned the culprit to GTK. Aside from its association with GNOME, I had the hardest time piecing together its purpose with certainty. I figured it was some incompatibility with KDE, and I was half-right.

It Works, but Why?

Lxappearance was actually my biggest clue. With both it and KDE’s theme manager open side by side, I noticed a button under System Settings > Global Theme > Application Style called Configure GNOME/GTK Application Style. It led to an unassuming dropdown menu titled GTK theme with a nondescript preview button. The dropdown had the same list from lxappearance.

Researching GTK has no shortage of results, but what does GTK do? As far as I can tell, GTK stands for GNOME ToolKit. I know KDE doesn’t use GTK at its core, so I conducted my research looking for whatever counterpart I it did use: Qt.

I ran a combined search on GTK vs Qt and learned about their combined history. Qt is to KDE what GTK is to GNOME. Qt is older, but GTK was fully opened up first and became more widely adopted. GTK and Qt serve the purpose of drawing the parts of user interfaces you use, but don’t think about – from buttons to save windows. When developers use them, they provide a unified appearance an end-user can easily configure.

Side Project (Blog Site Building)

I’ve begun research into improving the presentation of this blog. It’s hard to know where to begin. I’m working on four and a half years on the job and I have still to formalize my niche. There are blogs out there for privacy. There are blogs out there for technology and Linux. There are fewer blogs out there for home robotics and AI. This blog is all of those, to an extent. That’s why I’m consolidating my niche to Home Computing for the Privacy-Minded Roboticist. I don’t expect things to change all of a sudden, because I’m still technically covering the supporting technologies: namely Linux. But I want to aim to be doing more with actual robotics from here on.

Over the next several weeks, I intend to make small changes to the site, starting with the “About the Author” page. I’m also working on a community Discord server so we can finally get the conversation going in a place where I don’t need the patience to get WordPress forums going at this present time.


Even though I was out and about, I still managed to find stuff to write about. That said, modular systems can be a bit of both a blessing and a curse at times. Feature A may be implemented any number of times – each can work equally well and provide redundancy in case one project goes unmaintained/unforked, but clashing systems can lead to confusion when an end-user finds himself diagnosing the wrong backbone without realizing there are multiple in the first place.

Final Question

What do you think of my stated niche: Home Computing for the Privacy-Minded Roboticist?

Work Cited

[1] B. King, “What’s the Difference Between GTK+ and Qt?,”, Feb 20, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Febrewary 21, 2022].

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