Programming a Pi to Deter Cats: Part 9.2

Good Morning from my Robotics Lab! This is Shadow_8472, and today, I’m exploring SSH a little farther. Let’s get started!

Just as there’s more than one way to tie a knot, there’s more than one way to secure communications between two computers. Last week, I talked about how to use SSH to log in remotely. This week, I learned how to use a pair of cryptographic keys to log in without a pesky password preventing punctual passage.

I’d like to take a break here and just say that when you have multiple implementations for the same task, it can be difficult to choose which one to go with if there isn’t already some sort of standard in place. For example, if you are just starting to look at getting a new computer and you know precious little about them, it would probably not be a good idea to go with a completely unknown operating system like PurpleDragon (Fictional example). There isn’t likely much support for it, you likely won’t find much software for it outside what comes with it, and you just might have issues trying to connect with other computers if it isn’t programmed with standardized network protocols. This isn’t to say you will never want to run something like PurpleDragon, especially if you are in charge of a secret super genius’s lair and you need to prevent outside hackers and can afford a whole IT staff to maintain it.

Whatever the case, I’m now working with PuTTY, a fancier SSH client that’s supposed to work a little better than the Windows extension I’ve been working with. The cryptographic keys I mentioned earlier are generated in pairs. Oversimplified, both parties each have a public key and a private key, and each party’s public key can unlock the matching private key. The two parties swap public keys, and then the two can lock their chatter up in a way that it just looks like noise to anyone trying to listen in.

Final Question: It feels a little awkward learning about modern cryptography with Quantum computing coming any day now (relatively speaking). Once Quantum computers are easily accessible to the public, cryptography will be obsolete, but they will give us unbreakable quantum cryptography. How long do you think it will take to affect this change?

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